Arizona Chickens

if Laree doesn't contact me by tomorrow afternoon, I'll have 3 dozen + eggs for someone to put into their bator.

18 marans, 18 Ameraucanas and 8 or 9 Icelandics.


Lost another hen (BW Ameraucana) to the heat today... I saw her on the floor of the coop panting last night and put her in the house, gave her lots of water, electrolytes, layer mash. I thought she was going to rally but then she had like a seizure and died.

I seem to loose 2 to 3 every year to the heat
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Sorry you lost another one. You seem to be having a rough go this summer and it seems it's just begun. I am getting a reading of 108 in the shade on my patio right now. I've had the evap going in the run since 1pm today and every time I check on them it looks like the salmons are dead. But they're not. I worry about when I go on vacation and if my neighbor is going to be able to handle the responsibility of keeping these poor things alive!
Hi All,

Hot here in Morristown as well 113 today in the shade... Girls seem to be doing OK as we have some good shade for them especially in the afternoon when they are out in the yard. The 10 week olds in the other setup are doing OK so far as well and we have never lost a bird to heatstroke in the years we have been keeping them here. Most we do when it is this hot is give them a place to get their feet wet and it really seems to help.

Sorry to hear about your loss...
Preparation H will help with a prolapse. There is a shot that they can be given periodically to prevent them from laying. Offhand I do not recall what the med is, but a good chicken vet should know. Alternatively ask on the housechickens yahoo group.
Most won't, but some do. If you put a ladder up to the roost, or cinder blocks to jump up like stairs, it might help. Flo is used to sleeping on the "shelf" part of her pen.

She answered my questions by getting up by herself the first night. Actually the Poop board is only 2 or 2.5 feet up, and she jumped up there and then onto the roost. We had a ladder in there, but nobody used it so we took it out - LOL!
She's doing really well, she's bonded to my two blue ameraucanas and they chill together in a big blue fuzzy pile.

Good girl, Flo!
Call Sharon at the Feed Barn--she currently has a lot of birds available.

Most ducks (females) are noisy; most drakes (males) are very quiet. All muscovies are very quiet. My son named one of our muscovy hens "Squeeky" because she is broody and makes a baby sounding squeek when you go near.

A plastic wading pool is sufficient for most ducks and geese (although they would prefer something much larger). Muscovies aren't all that excited about swimming. Only one of the three muscovies has gone in our pool--and they usually won't even go in the wading pool. My chinese goose would get in the pool if she could get to it. The sebastapol only went in once on her own--she was a baby and was joining her mama (me). I was rather surprised when she jumped in almost on top of me!
I've had several birds doing quite poorly in the heat. Most have recovered when brought into the house. Some of my medium aged barred rock chicks were looking horrid in the heat the other day, so I put them in the garage where it is much cooler, and now they are looking fine. I've added more misters this week, and today I added more of the insulation that looks like aluminum foil bubble wrap--it REALLY seems to help. Now that it is starting to coop off, I'll go out and actually staple it to the coop roof--right now it is merely draped over the top.
Thank you for the suggestions....I will go check out the housechickens group too. I will look up chicken vets again. We couldn't find anyone who specialized in birds to see her yesterday, so ended up taking her to Peoria. They took absolutely excellent care of us, stayed late so we could get her in, and were reasonable. I highly recommend All Pets Hospital/Dr. Marsh!!

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