Arizona Chickens

My 3-year-old told his art teacher that he wanted to make a cockroach. She changed the lesson plan and we all made roaches... embarrassing, but at least I know I'm not the only one
I don't know of anything that repels butterflies other than a great desire to have them. Sorry. Phobias are not fun. You know those grates/storm drains in parking lots that are for rainwater to escape? Can't stand them. Get nauseous when I'm near them. One time DH was mad at me and stepped on one and I threw up. We are, however, clear about that issue now.

There is a spray that you can use on plants to kill caterpillars that eat the leaves. It is a bacteria that affects only pest larvae/caterpillars. I never can remember what it is called. And those caterpillars would have grown up to become butterflies or moths.

edited to add: OK found it: Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). You should be able to find it at any plant nursery, but I've never seen it in the garden sections of places like Home Depot, Lowes or Walmart.
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I thought I was the only one! Why does such a silly thing trigger the sympathetic nervous system? At least I can walk across them without vomiting. I just break out in a sweat :p At least it isn't butterflies, sheesh. Some people!

So I have done a TON of work today: Shaner wanted me to prime the kitchen backsplash, which required dismantling the kitchen (and subsequently putting it back together).

While I was waiting for the paint to dry, I made lasanga. Had a turkey eggsplosion during the process. BYCer came over, left, had company, cleaned up, went to the store, talked to the neighbor....

Fast forward: After dinner, I was out in the yard with the flat shovel, scraping the nightshades out. Shaner feels guilty and starts to help. Suddenly he stops and asks, "Are you preggers?"


"" I reply. "Why? Do I look fat(ter)?"

"Then why are you lactating?"



I look down and there is dried turkey egg-white in a most inopprotune place. It has been there aaaaallll day. Fabulous.
Well I did not notice!
But that does probably not help, I am not famous for observational brilliance. Thanks a lot though! I appreciate your help! Hope the sweet wagon wheel is/was tasty.
Anyone out there that can help?? I posted on emergencies and only one response. I do not know what to do at this point. Is she going to die? I gave her Poly-Vi-Sol..she eats fine though and poops fine.

She is an 18 week old BR and I noticed this when I got home from work.
This evening

9:30 tonght

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