Arizona Chickens

Notinoz: The flavor was amazing, but the meat was a little bit tough. I'm going to slow roast the breasts, and make soup of the backs and wings, I think that will work better.
NOW i feel left out  :rolleyes: .  My beautiful Coocoo Maran hen is clean legged.  Oh well !  I love her anyway and all of her new chicks whose Daddy is my mottled cochin Roo.  Those should be pretty chickens!  All of those chix have feathered legs, LOL.  I just sent 4 of them to Tucson !

 cuckoo marans should have clean legs or at least the hatchery stock does...

Standard for cuckoo Marans are sparsely feathered outter toe. No clean legs.

For a home flock I go by egg color. If its not a 4, it's not a Marans :)
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Quote: Standard for cuckoo Marans are sparsely feathered outter toe. No clean legs.

For a home flock I go by egg color. If its not a 4, it's not a Marans :)
? Not sure what a 4 means. Is it something to do with the shade of brown on the shell? Thanks!
Arizonachicken, I also agree with your assessments. Sorry you ended up with the three roos.:( At least you got the olive egger though. (silver lining )


Oh! Don't be sorry! The olive egger was my oldest son's favorite from day one (he did say we could have it for dinner if it was a roo :p). But I am happy it's a pullet! I've been wanting olive eggs. And we'll have a nice BBQ if I can't sell the roos. I am tempted to keep a Marans roo long enough to "make friends" with my Ameraucanas...more olive eggers! Plus 2 of my Ameraucanas are constantly broody, so why not, right? Darn that chicken math thing!
The dad was cleaned legged but the mom was not, otherwise you would see a lot more feathers. I've got plenty more from that hatch if you want more girls AZchicken, I still owe you $ too.

Ha ha! Don't tempt me! I couldn't be happier with the chicks. All I really wanted was two more hens, a Marans and an olive egger...and it looks like I got just that! I've already asked DH to make the run larger to accommodate the two new ones more comfortably...I better not push my luck. BUT, he has said (a couple of times) "let's see how long we can keep a rooster". Silly guy, doesn't he know what will happen if we have a rooster hanging around? More chickies for me! :lol:

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