Arizona Chickens

We got our first egg today! I went out at 5am and saw the cutest little brown egg, so it has to be from our BR Taco. We have been checking daily since she looked like she was getting ready. Our EE is the same age but doesn't look ready at all. We had been teasing my son that we were going to be having chicken tacos if she didn't lay soon. I guess she heard us.

How great! My husband goes out the the coop and starts naming the chickens "Chicken Salad" "Chicken pot pie" and so on whenever they fall behind on the laying. Seems to work, we always get a jump in production!
I thought about sprouting it but looking at it it is mostly cracked corn so I wouldn't get much good stuff out of it. I think I''ll do a second ferment container for it. I don't want to force them to eat it by mixing it in with their normal food and the baby greens I've given them in the past have gone ignored. Just today I thinned out my pot of indoor lettuce and gave them a small pile of the little romain sprouts and they were totally untouched. By the end of the day they ate a lot of fermented pellets, I think they ate more feed then they normally would when it was dry but it's hard for me to tell with the consistency changed. Not sure if it's the "new shiny" effect and they thought it was a one time treat so they pigged out but we'll see how fast I go through it this way.

Remember, the fermented feed will swell to roughly 2 1/2 times it's original size, so a single cup of dry feed is 2 1/2 cups of fermented feed. It may appear they are eating more, but they are still eating less by weight. You'll notice it the most when you have to buy your next bags of feed, and how much longer it takes to get to that point.
Last Wednesday night a critter of some sort, I am assuming a coyote, jumped our 8 foot brick wall, and ........ .............. time. I would hate to see all the feed go to waste and was wondering if anyone in the Tucson area would have any use for it, or know of anyone that might welcome some free feed. You can PM if you like and thank you in advance.

So sorry to hear of your loss. It had to have been a coyote, I heard of jumping an 8' wall, by I know 6' is not high enough. I am not surprised, some coyotes I am sure are more athletic then others. Unfortunately for us they are better able to provide for their pups. A dog seldom eats what kill.
Last Wednesday night a critter of some sort, I am assuming a coyote, jumped our 8 foot brick wall, and broke in the door to our chicken run, eating all of our small backyard flock. All that was left when I went to give them their morning treats was four piles of feathers and half a wing.
I recount this sad tale because only a few days before we had purchased a 50 pound bag of Arizona Feeds Country Store's brand of layer crumbles. I have more than half the bag left and no plans to purchase more chickens until we build a chicken fortress instead of a chicken run. That will not be for some time. I would hate to see all the feed go to waste and was wondering if anyone in the Tucson area would have any use for it, or know of anyone that might welcome some free feed. You can PM if you like and thank you in advance.

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this.
This is the third instance of complete flock annihilation I've heard about in Tucson in the past two weeks; it's just so heartbreaking. It's very thoughtful of you to offer up your unused feed. When you decide to get chickens again, come back and bounce your ideas off us for making your birds more secure. We'll be glad to offer any help we can.
Ivytwilight, so sorry to hear about your flock. How devastating.

Re: the bodysuits. I'm looking for one! I can't find them on the Target website. I'll be visiting a Target later this week--I really want to find one for $15.00. Can't spend much more than that. I found some on Amazon but they are stretching the budget.

Leaf cutter control, I'm cutting and pasting info as I find it below, various online sources:
Other suggestions online include boric acid, DE, boiling water, orange oil. The ants in the wash, I'm going to treat with boiling water. Apparently Texas has a big problem with leaf cutters, with huge colonies--the area they excavate to for their fungi garden can be huge enough where a collapse can cause cracks in house foundations, livestock can fall in, etc. I'm going to use Amdro Block on the outside of my fence line, and with my neighbor's okay, along his wall too. Next spring when they start to emerge, I'm going to have less hand-wringing and more action right away.
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Now this is a broody hen!

Oh man, that's hilarious. The look in her eyes. Whoa! And the little chick looks a little ****** off that he's been pushed out!

eta: errr? apparently p*i*ssed off is filtered? Well, heck. Chick looks a little irate.
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