Arizona Chickens

Question, do chickens molt this time of year? I have one that is loosing Lots of feathers. I see new pin feathers coming in but I worry about her getting cold without her undercoat this time of year. I see no lice or anything. She is eating normally. There is no broken skin or blood. You have to look close to see it but around her butt, under her wings and lower neck that there is no undercoat. You see bare skin. I live in Gilbert so it is not real cold yet.I just worry if this is normal. Will I need to buy her a sweater? LOL

Dose she look like this?
Hi everyone!

I'm new to BYC and chicken keeping and was recently directed to this thread. I'm glad to know that there are so many chicken lovers out there!

BYC has been an incredible help to us and I'm so happy to be part of such a great forum. I'm starting at the beginning of this thread and reading it through, but I thought I'd better say hi before finishing it since it's so long.

Wow! 4000+ pages of posts you are going to read? Good luck with that!
Quote: Gorgeous tangelos! It's making my mouth water looking at the picture! Our tangelo is also a Minneola. Most years they look like yours but this year they look feakishly big and light orange and there aren't very many. I haven't tried one yet 'cause they don't look ready.
I think our orange is a navel. It was here when we moved in about 18 years ago. It was young and almost dead and I brought it back from the brink. It has paid us back every year since.
I also have a 3 year old cumquat. It has a lot of fruit this year but they are mushy. I have to figure out why so I can fix them too. They aren't really edible, just pretty.
Those oranges and tangelos look so good. I've planted a few citrus trees in my yard, but they've done horribly. My house is in a low dip, adjacent to a wash, and I think it gets a little too cold in the winters for the citrus to thrive.

Billiam, I'm not sure what you've planned with your broody. I've told my daughter we're going to incubate a few eggs this spring, and I think we're going to try your Option 2. Sell the chicks. Or give away. Possibly eat them, but doubt my kid would be pleased with that option. I currently have a broody hen who has been sitting for 2-3 weeks now--she'll be getting 15 broiler chicks on Friday, which should make her pretty happy!

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