Arizona Chickens

Day 7!! First time ever candling
The Marans eggs are so dark, I really had a difficult time seeing much at all. The air cells were good and not rolling so that is a good thing. The Amaracauna eggs were easier to see and I think they all are developing. I had one light brown egg with a definite blood ring, so it's gone. All the rest of the eggs I kept in the incubator, for now.

I used a small LED flashlight and tried to quickly check each egg and get it back into the incubator.

Now I get to wait another week. <sigh>

I will be a happy chicken mom if something hatches....anything....all roos....just gimme chickies. LOL
You are on your way to being a hatchaholic. I'm not sure there are support groups for this affliction yet.

Who's adding this one to their flock?
And it's not plastic???

Thanks for the replies everyone. Unfortunately, not everything I have has amps listed. The 120VAC house power is connecting to a 120VAC 6A device then to a 16V/10W doorbell transformer. Which is guess makes is .625 amps? From there it is connected to a sprinkler valve that doesn't list any power specifications and only says will run on a standard 24V sprinkler timer. I'm not using a timer. So I either need to find a 24V transformer/reducer or find a 16V sprinkler valve?

I have tested this setup and I can hear the sprinkler valve click off and on when I flip the activating device. I'm just worried to leave it that way for any long period of time.

I promise this has to do with chickens!
Sorry I can't help with the electricity stuff, but I'm dying to find out what you are doing!
Thanks for the replies everyone. Unfortunately, not everything I have has amps listed. The 120VAC house power is connecting to a 120VAC 6A device then to a 16V/10W doorbell transformer. Which is guess makes is .625 amps? From there it is connected to a sprinkler valve that doesn't list any power specifications and only says will run on a standard 24V sprinkler timer. I'm not using a timer. So I either need to find a 24V transformer/reducer or find a 16V sprinkler valve?

I have tested this setup and I can hear the sprinkler valve click off and on when I flip the activating device. I'm just worried to leave it that way for any long period of time.

I promise this has to do with chickens!
My DH is an industrial electrician; I'll show him your questions tonight and let you know what he thinks.
I was interested last year in possibly getting Seramas but never did. When I was talking with the woman over at Padillas Peeps (Cody's mother) she informed me she has a friend who breeds Seramas and she would be taking several from him to sell from her home since the breeder breeds them in his garage and can't keep very many at a time. She doesn't have Seramas all the time but you could try asking her if her friend is still breeding them.
yeah thats who i was talking to and i set up a time to come by and she never answered me back. And i never heard from her again
I think the heat is starting to get to my girls egg count is way down right now. They spend a lot of time in the mister keeping cool so they're definitely not overheating they're just worn out from the high temps I think. Some of them look to be molting a bit too. They're about a year and 3 months now and have yet to do a serious molt so I think the bit of bald spots they're getting on their necks over the past month might be their first real molt.

My EE Eleanor the one with the pendulous crop has gone about a week without her bra for the first time since I put it on over 6 months ago and she seems to be doing well. She hasn't gotten sour crop this week though I haven't put them on FF again yet because I think that's one of the things that caused her problems. It seems all these months with the bra on her crop got some elasticity back. Hopefully it stays that way.

oh and here's an update pic of the littles. They're about 3 months now.

Oh those are gorgeous. The grey one in the back--is that a blue ameracauna?
Oh those are gorgeous. The grey one in the back--is that a blue ameracauna?

Thanks. This new batch of chicks were my dream team. I have my 4 laying hens already so this time I went for pretty and to add color diversity. The grey one is a Blue Orpington. I wanted a Blue Ameracauna but even way back in Dec when I ordered, MPC was sold out for a late spring delivery. I had a top 10 list and ordered the 4 that I could get all at the same time. I really want a blue egg but I'm at my max number of birds now and since my EE doesn't lay blue I'll have to wait until I move some day and have more space. I knew I wanted a silkie and a polish for sure. I wanted something silver laced, something white, and something blue and was pretty sure I had to have a blue laced red wyandotte. So I figured out which combination of 4 birds would give me the most of the things I wanted for my flock.

The blue Orpington is HUGE she's a fluffy monster. Such pretty almost solid black eyes and an adorable tail. Her tail feathers are so fine that they look almost like lace.

The other one in the back is the Blue laced red wyandotte. Pictures never do her justice. She's the most shy of the new 4. Her head looks like a hawk or an eagle and her feathers are amazing. In pics she looks more like a black laced red but in person the lacing is much more blue and just beautiful.

This batch of 4 is super bonded. This morning Padme (the polish) was freaking out pacing and crying in the corner by the house where the littles hang out all day and I didn't know what was wrong and why she was squawking, then I see Bunny (the silkie) come trotting across the yard all by herself and as soon as she got to the house Padme calmed down. They worry about each other so much. It's adorable.
yeah thats who i was talking to and i set up a time to come by and she never answered me back. And i never heard from her again

oh bummer, sorry if you mentioned that. I had missed like 50 pages of posts since my last log in and just did a quick skim :p I hope you find your Seramas. I would kill for one but I just can't have anymore birds and I was afraid they'd be too flighty for my yard. I almost considered getting one as a house chicken, that's how bad I want one lol. I'm pretty sure my cats wouldn't like a little bird running around the house though.
yeah thats who i was talking to and i set up a time to come by and she never answered me back. And i never heard from her again

Easter eggers, Pam has been having a rough year with cancer treatments so I'd cut her some slack and try again. She may have been busy with doctor appointments or too wiped out to deal with stuff at the time.
and the amps need to be correct also. Volts are one thing, overloading on Amps could destroy your device and/or hurt someone.

When I say Wattage, I am actually thinking of Amp. So, rule of thumb, Voltage has to be right on. (In some case I little bit lower may work, but it probably will cause some long term damages.)
Amperage rating has to be higher. So if your applicance need 18V, 2A, the output of the transformer has to be 18V, 2A or more.

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