Arizona Chickens

Uhh.. sounds like your doc gave a new fancy antibiotic. The ones that are old, tried and true are cheap! I would call the doc and explain that you are paying cash and ask for a cheaper med. There usually is no big reason to use the expensive ones.

Docors don't get as many samples as they used to. They have really cracked down on the drug reps and their "incentives".

Sounds like you found it for about as cheap as can be. But keep the above in mind when paying cash. Doctors automatically write for the newest bestest most expensive, but they don't have to.

OOOOOHHHHH!!!! I want a turkey!!! Wonder what DH would say... Perhaps, "inconceiveable!"
Laree - Congrat's on the ok from your DH.

Tucson Tofu - I agree...always tell the doctor and pharmacy that you are paying cash and ask for the most economical, but effective option. We changed our insurance to Health Savings Account at our company and I am hearing stories about being able to get things less costly by asking and checking around. I am a little startled by the differences you have found already. Amazing. Glad your little one is doing ok.

Lulu - looking forward to pic's of the chicken palace! Based on pic's from your website and knowing that one of my chicks is a Maran cross, I think the grey one might be the Maran cross. Next year when I get new chick/eggs, i will be interested in Maran's. Of all the eggs I got from Monhonri, I liked those the best. They were very big and very dark.

Monhonri - Sounds busy but joyful. I am happy for you in your business.
The first time my DH touched a turkey poult, he played with it for 20 minutes and never realized it wasn't a chicken. They are so friendly, your DH would be HOOKED before it grew out enough to make him suspicious....
I called the doctor bright and early this morning and explained the problem. He decided that the antibiotics aren't really necessary, and gave me his number just in case it flares up this weekend, told me to continue to keep it clean and use topical antibiotics, and that was that. The cut is already looking better, and his eye is only slightly swollen and no bruising.

Kind of funny... they had wanted to xray his head to check for tooth fragments. I asked if the risks reaally outweighed the benefits (I would feel differently if the teeth had touched anything other than soft tissue) and they insisted it was important. Until they realized I was paying out of pocket. Then it changed to "well it isn't very likely, let's see how it heals first"

Now... can silkies hatch turkey eggs? Those are ADORABLE. I could tell my husband it was a mix up

Laree! YAY TURKEYS! What an awesome hubby
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Hey guys! I think I introduced myself a couple of months ago when we got chickens, but lately I've been hanging on the "hatching" thread because my crazy broody is expecting babies!

Our babies are due in 6 days, and I thought I better check with you all to see if there is something special I need to do for the babies in this awful heat. They of course have plenty of shade and water... but anything else? We're hatching 5 SLW eggs with my BO broody, and adding 4 day-old Delawares as well after hers hatch. I'm keeping them separated from the rest of my tiny flock (2 other BOs and 2 BRs) although they are all pretty laid-back so I doubt there will be a problem.

So any advice for a newbie hatcher? Also, my broody NEVER got off the nestbox without me kicking her off (then just took a huge drink and hopped back on) except for 3 times when we've been close to 100 degrees. Those 3 times she freaked me out because she hopped her fence and was casually strolling around the lawn looking fluffed up and lost, and I wondered... did she think maybe it was too HOT to sit on her eggs? Like maybe they needed to cool off a little or she'd bake them?
Only in Arizona, right?!
Hi All,
I have been lurking for about a year and finally decided to post. Thanks for all the great tips and hilarious chicken stories. I have 8 girls who are all 1 year old or younger-2BR, 2 Ameracaunas, golden sex linked, red sex linked, RIR, SLW. Love, love love my girls! I thought raising chickens would be interesting but I had no idea I would be so smitten with them. I just spent a delightful half hour watching them enjoy their first watermelon picnic. Just saw the baby turket pics and now I want them too. It takes every ounce of self control I have not to get more chicks. Sigh.
Yeah. See. Everyone thinks the insurance companies are so mean and awful. But when you take a look at how physicians and hospitals take advantage of them... Not that they are great, but they aren't the whole problem.
Congrat's! Broodies with babies are so fun! Others may have a different experience/opinion about what is best, but I will tell you what has worked for me so far. Once the broody was given babies or the eggs hatched, I let her decide when to bring her chicks out to the yard. The adults have left them alone and all are integrating well. One day a 4 week old jumped up on the wrong hen. The hens seem to know not to mess with the Momma's babies. Last year, when I had broodies (no eggs) in high heat, I did notice that they sometimes got up for awhile in the afternoon. This spiring I almost never saw them off the nests, but assume they did get up daily for a poo & drink break. Though I did hold the waterer for one a couple of times while she was on her nest to make sure she could have a drink. She did drink from it.

Question for you: Do they tell you not to touch the eggs the last few days before a hatch with broodies like they do for incubators. I had 3 eggs that didn't hatch. They got moved right before hatch and I am wondering if that is why.

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