Arizona Chickens

What kind of shavings? Are they using it as a dust bath, or are they making a big mess??

We're using aged pine shavings, but I put some dirt and sand and a little bit of wood ash in a cardboard box for them to dustbathe in. They actually are dustbathing, it's so cute!

They're making a big mess too, but it's all good.
You have to be cautious with the vaccine - if a chicken is positive for Mg/Ms the vaccine will prove fatal. Chickens receiving the vaccine should always be tested. This is my understanding of what I read. My vet said because of our dry climate we really shouldn't be concerned with it but dipping hatching eggs from out of the southwest wouldn't be a bad idea. Personally I think I'm gonna stick to breeders in the SW from now on.
Oh, please...don't talk about moving in and relocating. The accumulation is just rediculous.
I moved from a tiny, cute 800 spft 2 BR/1 Bath house that I rented for 18 years, into to a large, 4-BR,2-bath, 2-car garage house of about 1,900 sqft.

All the stuff packed up into that little house completely filled the new house...can't see any baseboard anywhere...LOL! A 9-ft concert grand piano, a big Hammond B3 with Leslie and Tone cabinet, huge bedroom furniture and over-stuffed couches, Magnavox console stereos out the ying-yang, enough kitchen equipment and a gazillion cast iron skillets to make one dizzy and mayby open a restaurant, and over 3,000 LP's of classical, gospel, country, Motown, British Invastion, and who knows what else packed up in this camp.

I've been blessed head over heels. God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good. I've been blessed enough to give away good furniture and electronics to some of my friends and co-workers.

It's amazing how much we collect over the years, and, fortunately, these things come into use down the way. I have everything I need to exist, but would like a few other things (like a new Kitchen-Aid Blender....that's on back-order right now. Already got my Emeril Deep Fryer from T-Fal). But for the most part, I am content, and gald that I can wake up and see another day.

Sorry for the rambling, but on a chicken note, I am getting ready to build a sturdy chicken run built like Fort Knox, using pressure-treated lumber and those metal joist thingies you use for building porch decks. It may be overkill and cost several hundred bucks, but I want something to be built once, and will out live me.

I should have been an architect, having many drawings and plans so far, but I will reveal those down the road. Maybe not unique, but it will have many features plus a screened/covered sitting area to watch some "Chicken TV" with a little park bench and coffee table. Small lights strung around the camp to provide some entertainment until bed time, and 24/7 music piped into the area.

I will share my drawings with you all soon. This is all from scratch from the top of my bean head, and sure you will enjoy. --BB

Bobby Basham
Tucson, Arizona
Sorry for the rambling, but on a chicken note, I am getting ready to build a sturdy chicken run built like Fort Knox, using pressure-treated lum

I should have been an architect, having many drawings and plans so far, but I will reveal those down the road. Maybe not unique, but it will have many features plus a screened/covered sitting area to watch some "Chicken TV" with a little park bench and coffee table. Small lights strung around the camp to provide some entertainment until bed time, and 24/7 music piped into the area.

I will share my drawings with you all soon.  This is all from scratch from the top of my bean head, and sure you will enjoy. --BB

Bobby Basham
Tucson, Arizona

Hey Bobby, already done the run thing. A word to the wise...the chickens will utilize any flat surface as their personal outhouse. If you do a picnic table, make sure it is plastic or something easily hosed off!
Oh, please...don't talk about moving in and relocating. The accumulation is just rediculous.
I moved from a tiny, cute 800 spft 2 BR/1 Bath house that I rented for 18 years, into to a large, 4-BR,2-bath, 2-car garage house of about 1,900 sqft.

All the stuff packed up into that little house completely filled the new house...can't see any baseboard anywhere...LOL! A 9-ft concert grand piano, a big Hammond B3 with Leslie and Tone cabinet, huge bedroom furniture and over-stuffed couches, Magnavox console stereos out the ying-yang, enough kitchen equipment and a gazillion cast iron skillets to make one dizzy and mayby open a restaurant, and over 3,000 LP's of classical, gospel, country, Motown, British Invastion, and who knows what else packed up in this camp.

I've been blessed head over heels. God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good. I've been blessed enough to give away good furniture and electronics to some of my friends and co-workers.

It's amazing how much we collect over the years, and, fortunately, these things come into use down the way. I have everything I need to exist, but would like a few other things (like a new Kitchen-Aid Blender....that's on back-order right now. Already got my Emeril Deep Fryer from T-Fal). But for the most part, I am content, and gald that I can wake up and see another day.

Sorry for the rambling, but on a chicken note, I am getting ready to build a sturdy chicken run built like Fort Knox, using pressure-treated lumber and those metal joist thingies you use for building porch decks. It may be overkill and cost several hundred bucks, but I want something to be built once, and will out live me.

I should have been an architect, having many drawings and plans so far, but I will reveal those down the road. Maybe not unique, but it will have many features plus a screened/covered sitting area to watch some "Chicken TV" with a little park bench and coffee table. Small lights strung around the camp to provide some entertainment until bed time, and 24/7 music piped into the area.

I will share my drawings with you all soon. This is all from scratch from the top of my bean head, and sure you will enjoy. --BB

Bobby Basham
Tucson, Arizona
Hey, Bobby!

So where in Tucson are you now? I would love to meet the Tucson folks (other Arizona folks too). we should all do a meet up!

I would love to see your construction plans ... maybe I can put my roommate to work! We have a big, big shed that is rough finished. The pen is outside and backs up to the shed ... if the land lady would let me, maybe we could put a door in the shed and build a coop inside ... and I don't even have steady eggs coming in yet!

Guess who I'm hanging out with tonight?


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