Arizona Chickens

Use an old plastic traffic cone. If necessary, you can cut the top off to make the hole larger.
I'll have to try that, just need a way to hang one. Probably need a larger hole to thread the head through...

Oh Sill, that sucks. I've had 1 or 2 'bad kills' and it really is horrible. I started using old feed bags with the corner cut out after trying a few different household containers. Still not the best killing cone. I'm building a butchering stand this weekend to hold 2 killing cones, a pot of scalding water, and a place to put the drill plucker. Someone gave me a traffic cone (why??), so of course I'll try it as a killing cone (what the heck else would I use it for?). I'll probably be using it within the next 2 weeks and I'll let you know how it works. Eventually, I'll probably just buy a dang commercial stainless steel cone.
Yeah it makes a not so fun task even worse when the kill goes badly.

Post pics of your butchering stand and set up! How is it to use old feed bags? I'm trying to imagine how well that works.
Per the APA Standard of Perfection, standard weight for an Orpington cock is 10 pounds.  Regardless of color.  Hens should be 8 pounds.  Show birds are supposed to be disqualified if they are too far above or below the standard weight.  I know that doesn't happen much because they never seem to weigh birds at shows, but if people are truly breeding to the standard they should be keeping the birds within a pound or two above the standard weight.  Follow the standard, not the fad. 

Edited to add: I don't know what the English standard is for Orpingtons.  If you want to show them in the US they should meet the US standards. 

I don't have American Orps but English, my Orpingtons do not have a class in the APA sanctioned shows though they can be shown as "Other" but can't compete against the American Orps. My birds have tails that are different, more fluff, definitely heavier. If you want to know more about the breed Nellie at The Fancy Chick has wonderful information on her site.
And I really don't want to show my birds though the majority do meet the British standards. I'm retired and try to avoid unnecessary stress, I have my flocks to enjoy their beauty and they are entertaining.
@MagicChicken I just realized you were attempting to school me! I'm referring to your remark "Follow the standard, not the fad".
I believe a person should do whatever brings them joy so long as it doesn't hurt anyone or anything. I'm not following a fad, btw, the majority of my Orpingtons are White flocks and Black flocks. The English Black Orpington is the original Orpington breed, when brought to the states during the "hen craze" Americans changed the breed by crossing them with other breeds to meet the demand. The original Orpington came about by breeding the Cochin (brought to England from China and gifted to Queen Victoria) with other breeds. The original chicken, from which all domestic chickens hail, is the Red Jungle Fowl, which is one of the rarest breeds on the planet as far as finding a pure unadulterated Red Jungle Fowl.
And that's pretty much how I came to get English Orpingtons and how the breed originally crossed the pond in a condensed version. :)
I actually read quite a few fowl books and can bore everyone to tears on how you can add up all the dogs, cats, hamsters, et al and the total number of chickens will far surpass those collectively, as well as other fowl facts.
OK! Here's whats all the commotion is about at my house! !! Cell pics though. ..


White Orphingtons! 5 now....2 more to go and it's only day 19 yesterday! Wow!

@ChuskaMtns Are they auto sexing? Or is the the word auto sexting?

I must have given you a mix. Looks like you have some blues and maybe lavenders too or some splashes. My BBS pen are 100% English, Fancy Chick line, the roo is 16 lbs and the girls are all about 9 lbs and a couple are Old Orchard lines. The Lavender pen is Fancy Chick and Ewe Crazy lines with a Lavender roo and a mix of lavender and lavender cuckoo hens. Also 100% English and large.
Sorry! They really are gorgeous birds but they do eat a lot. I must have got my egg gathering baskets mixed up that day and you got the mix. The parent birds all have wonderful temperaments, including my whites. My white Orpingtons are my line, I've been breeding them for quite a few years now and bred for comb size, temperament, overall size and SOP standards.
I hope you enjoy them!

Well the kids and I will look forward to enjoying them! Thank you for the treat! :love

Gorgeous chicks!!!!
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So what kind of chicks or hatching eggs does anyone local here in AZ have I would like to get some additional breeds. The person that was supposed to send me replacement cemani closed their ebay account so I am out my money and eggs for those and the tolbunt frizzles. I need to get something really cool to ease my pain
So what kind of chicks or hatching eggs does anyone local here in AZ have I would like to get some additional breeds. The person that was supposed to send me replacement cemani closed their ebay account so I am out my money and eggs for those and the tolbunt frizzles. I need to get something really cool to ease my pain

That is such a rotten thing to do, I hope Ebay can help you. Paypal has some resources for recovering $, I think. So sorry you got stung twice.
Southwest Poultry near Kingman advertises on Craigs List and has several breeds available. Check them out.
That is such a rotten thing to do, I hope Ebay can help you. Paypal has some resources for recovering $, I think. So sorry you got stung twice.
Southwest Poultry near Kingman advertises on Craigs List and has several breeds available. Check them out.
yes they have just basic stuff looking for something else like tobunts or orpingtons
yes they have just basic stuff looking for something else like tobunts or orpingtons

OMG! You've had such horrible luck!!! I wish I had some eggs to share with you but most of my kids aren't of laying age yet. I've currently got 2 Ameracauna and 9 Silver Grey Dorking eggs on day 14 of incubation with another dozen SGD eggs due the second week of May. My other focus breeds are Bielefelders (currently 7 weeks old) and NN Turkens (14 weeks old). I hope you're able to find some breeds you can enjoy.

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