Arizona Chickens

o gosh yes, im sure you are right...!!!!
Well I am done buying shipped eggs. The tolbunt frizzle smooth eggs I candled them and all of them were scrambled inside. I am just going to buy chicks. I did manage to buy 9 straight run Isbars yesterday now just have to find the tolbunt chicks. I hope all of the mothers whether your children be people of peeps have a great day.

If you're still looking for Cemanis, Launi at Graceful Chickens sells eggs 6 for $350. She's in Southern California and packs very well.
Are you having your egg packages held at the post office and having the PO call you when the eggs arrive? That's how I do it.
I ordered 6 eggs from Launi, she sent 1 extra and I had 6 hatch.
If you're still looking for Cemanis, Launi at Graceful Chickens sells eggs 6 for $350. She's in Southern California and packs very well.
Are you having your egg packages held at the post office and having the PO call you when the eggs arrive? That's how I do it.
I ordered 6 eggs from Launi, she sent 1 extra and I had 6 hatch.
Yes they hold them at the post office we are on first name basis. they even call me at 3am if that is when they arrive and I go to town before I leave for work and pick them up. I have had okay hatches with Marans shipped eggs but below terrible with Isbar, Cemani and tolbunt frizzle
Hello to everyone! I am in the Coolidge az area. I am raising several different types of chickens.I just now helped a silky chic hatch out. But I am concerned about some of the eggs.It has been 21 days since some of them were laid.No sign of any activity. The one that I helped hatch out is still in the incubator in a half shell.she is alive and since Friday has been chirping. It looks like she has poo in the bottom of the shell.should I help her out the rest of the way? I would like some advice.thanks!
Hello to everyone! I am in the Coolidge az area. I am raising several different types of chickens.I just now helped a silky chic hatch out. But I am concerned about some of the eggs.It has been 21 days since some of them were laid.No sign of any activity. The one that I helped hatch out is still in the incubator in a half shell.she is alive and since Friday has been chirping. It looks like she has poo in the bottom of the shell.should I help her out the rest of the way? I would like some advice.thanks!
That is a hard one to answer. Was there any blood when you helped it, or do you see any egg yolk not absorbed. I have helped chicks before and get about a 75% live healthy chick. If it were me after all this time I would help it. But, that has to be up to you. There are so many reasons it did not hatch on its own with most of the shell gone. It can be to weak, not healthy. or the membrane has dried and glued it to the shell. Maybe someone with more experience can give better comments. Good luck with the baby
Hi all I might be able to get two Cemani cockerels but only want one. They are asking 250.00 each for them at 3-4 weeks old. If someone was interested we could get the pair together
Hello to everyone! I am in the Coolidge az area. I am raising several different types of chickens.I just now helped a silky chic hatch out. But I am concerned about some of the eggs.It has been 21 days since some of them were laid.No sign of any activity. The one that I helped hatch out is still in the incubator in a half shell.she is alive and since Friday has been chirping. It looks like she has poo in the bottom of the shell.should I help her out the rest of the way? I would like some advice.thanks!

I'm by no means an expert, but in my experience when they hatch partially from the egg and then go no further, the other contents of the egg have often hardened like glue, entrapping them. I even once had a chick get completely stuck to the floor of the incubator and had to use very warm water and a wash cloth to gently work it free. If it were me, I would check to see if the chick is stuck, and if so I would remove it and help gently "unstick" it. Make sure any water you use is warm, but not hot. I always kept the temp of the water between 95 & 105 degrees F. It make take some time to work through, so be patient. If you rush, you could injure the chick. Once its free, keep it nice and warm as being wet can really mess with its ability to retain body heat.

As far as the other eggs are concerned, how did they look at the final candling before lockdown? Was there activity then? The 21 days to hatch is just a standard, and sometimes hatching can take several days more. A few of my hatchlings have taken more than 23 days to finally emerge and didn't even pip until day 22. And I can't even recall how many times I've been completely convinced that a number of eggs were done, suddenly incapable of hatching, when a chick suddenly pipped, unzipped and emerged.

Good luck! I hope you get lots of lovely little babies.
Thanks so much for the info! Even though growing up on a farm back in the 50's/60's, I am no gardener at all, but feel I can become pretty good at any endeavor I tackle. I do remember helping my dad out in the garden planting onions, potatoes, cucumbers, string beans and collards. Yes, I totally agree about using a non-fruit bearing vine, being more concerned about shade only and not trying to access the top of the run to pluck any fruit. As I mentioned way, way back, this is just a project that I didn't mean to start until NEXT year when I hope to retire, but ended up with some spare money here and there, and started buying lumber. No chickens were in the plan until 2016, so I'm just piddling around at a snail's pace. That run has been out there for probably a good six months, and haven't started on the coop. It doesn't take much for me to get cold feet along the way, putting projects (like this one) on hold until I get out there and resume. Chickens aren't complicated or require much, but I'm a worry wart after the coop and run, ya know, feed costs, storage sheds, compost area, gardening projects, using fodder and/or fermented feed to cut down on feed costs...the list goes on and on in my case about all the options out there. You all have shared so many ideas about all the above, many of which I've never heard about (especially the fodder/fermented feed) until joining this group, and I need to be retired to take on some of these. It's like preparing a nursery for the first born, and I want my babies to have all the ammenities and want for nothing. Circumstances change when you retire on a fixed income and have to pay for your own health insurance. That's where the worrying comes into play and your budget takes a 180 spin on you. I truly appreciate all the input and information provided here. What an education. The Arizona Room rocks big time! --BB Bobby Basham Tucson, Arizona Have you hugged a recordplayer today?
Love the old record players! The bottom photo reminds me a lot of the one my parents had while I was growing up. I've many fond memories of our house always being filled with music. And I've loved this entire discussion on using vines for shade. I blew my budget this year just getting all the housing in place for my flocks. Now I need to seriously consider improving the vegetation and I've learned A LOT from all the Q & A, photos, and tidbits of info shared, so thanks to all of you!
No but I am thankful for our stereo .. We gave that record player away,.. I emailed & called 2 different places to help us fix it, with no luck.. Then the wires came apart.. DH was a bit concerned because of it's age... I did want to hug it before it left our property.. Does that count??
Hello to everyone! I am in the Coolidge az area. I am raising several different types of chickens.I just now helped a silky chic hatch out. But I am concerned about some of the eggs.It has been 21 days since some of them were laid.No sign of any activity. The one that I helped hatch out is still in the incubator in a half shell.she is alive and since Friday has been chirping. It looks like she has poo in the bottom of the shell.should I help her out the rest of the way? I would like some advice.thanks!

I'm by no means an expert, but in my experience when they hatch partially from the egg and then go no further, the other contents of the egg have often hardened like glue, entrapping them. I even once had a chick get completely stuck to the floor of the incubator and had to use very warm water and a wash cloth to gently work it free. If it were me, I would check to see if the chick is stuck, and if so I would remove it and help gently "unstick" it. Make sure any water you use is warm, but not hot. I always kept the temp of the water between 95 & 105 degrees F. It make take some time to work through, so be patient. If you rush, you could injure the chick. Once its free, keep it nice and warm as being wet can really mess with its ability to retain body heat.

As far as the other eggs are concerned, how did they look at the final candling before lockdown? Was there activity then? The 21 days to hatch is just a standard, and sometimes hatching can take several days more. A few of my hatchlings have taken more than 23 days to finally emerge and didn't even pip until day 22. And I can't even recall how many times I've been completely convinced that a number of eggs were done, suddenly incapable of hatching, when a chick suddenly pipped, unzipped and emerged. 

Good luck! I hope you get lots of lovely little babies. :)

X2!! Any photos?? Keep us posted

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