Arizona Chickens

Well how about Aussies are struggling this summer. I'm getting one or two eggs per day out of 4 BA' is their first summer. I wonder if they will get better over time?

Wow. I guess you really can never tell. This is the first summer for my girls too and I really didn't know what to expect of them. They had actually backed off a bit on their laying in June when it got super hot but now they're going strong. I've got four Aussies, two Barred Rocks and 1 Buff Silkie girl, all hatchery stock, in the same flock. In the intense heat of June I averaged 34 eggs per week from them, and now I'm up to 43 per week on average.

Once the weather cools a bit I bet yours will start laying better. Phoenix is still a lot hotter than where I live.
Heat tolerance seems to be one of those things that depends a lot on the individual bird, so I'd be surprised if they got more heat tolerant with age.

True, but they can better adapt over time. I'm seeing this with my Bielefelders. At the start of summer they couldn't really handle anything above 85º, and now they don't start heavy panting until it reaches about 92º.
Thanks! I think she's on the mends. I'm so thrilled as I thought for sure she was a goner when I went out to find her this morning. Her breathing was shallow and her face was plastered in the mud
. I think I found her just in time! But, she's now standing well, eating loads of treats and recovering. I will keep her in tonight as she's not strong enough to roost. I'll see how well she is in the morning. Her right eye is still closed, I tried to flush not sure about that.

I'm so glad she's doing better! Nicely done, Momma.
Thanks! I think she's on the mends. I'm so thrilled as I thought for sure she was a goner when I went out to find her this morning. Her breathing was shallow and her face was plastered in the mud :(. I think I found her just in time! But, she's now standing well, eating loads of treats and recovering. I will keep her in tonight as she's not strong enough to roost. I'll see how well she is in the morning. Her right eye is still closed, I tried to flush not sure about that.

Hope you girl is doing better...

Your such a good Moma !! You did everything right!! Glad to hear she is on the mend.. It is crazy we can keep them alive..
I am so sad, last night I found mites on some girl's & we all know what that means.. Infestation. I have to say I haven't been out back to check for the night crawlers,in About 3 months, but one girl has been week, I did check on her for them.. those little things move when you move the bird to look for them.. Plus I did not look under the wing, that is where I found them.. So off I got to get something for these gross-me-out discussing little things.. I had the ébée-jeeebeeess all night long.. I'm itching as we speak, not kidding .. I'm a bit freaked out!! :sick
The only thing I'm excited about is rebuilding my run.. Which will take forever.. So I guess I could be happy that everyone's not laying now.. Down side, no farm fresh egg's for a while.. I wonder how long I will have to treat & and with hold the egg's.. I guess I will find out when I read more about that..
Our poor bird's..

Try "Poultry protector"

And you may have chicken lice instead of mites. There's a difference. The poultry protector which I've seen in Walmart in San Tan Valley and Tempe Tack and feed, has citric acid so it's a natural product which really surprised me And works quite well.
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If anyone might, it would likely be @ ChuskaMtns, here on this Arizona thread! She has good quality heritage orpingtons! :)
Just look above and private message her!

I no longer have Lavender Orpingtons. I gave them up along with the Lavender Cuckoos and Jubilees. Too difficult to maintain the color in those without sacrificing something else. I have BBS, White, Buff, Delaware, Chocolate, Mauve, and Chocolate Cuckoo Orpingtons. The only chicks I have available are a few of the BBS and Delaware, and 1 white, and they're 6 weeks old. Thanks for thinking of me! My parent stock is all Fancy Chick, Ewe Crazy, Old Orchard and Norcal Chickens.

Does anybody know of any breeders that specialize in high quality breeds that ship?

Look at the post, I posted above @ChuskaMtns Has some beautiful heritage breeds Some she's listed above. Feel free to contact her and she's here local and closer to us our area. I have some from her and they are very nice and friendly birds, much better than hatchery chick's I've bought before! Hope this gives you another option!
HI all doing good still have a bunch of blue copper chicks and some black pullets that will be Marans, Isbars or Cornish but the Other birds have all been spoken for. Opps have Rare white Maraans too. Just finished building chicken tube feeders. Love them no more wasted food and no chicken poo in them eitgher Love em he he he
Try "Poultry protector"
And you may have chicken lice instead of mites. There's a difference. The poultry protector which I've seen in Walmart in San Tan Valley and Tempe Tack and feed, has citric acid so it's a natural product which really surprised me And works quite well.
might just have to try this. I have not seen any signs of anything here but good to have on hand
@desertmarcy has exceptional bird's she is Marana. We plan on going there with in a month or so... Are you wanting a certain breed?

No, not really. I got an ameraucana chick from her a couple month ago. And she is doing anazing! I can't believe that I didn't think of her. Thank you!

Your welcome Summer seems harder to find chick's. @lacymorganhas beautiful bird's & her isbar's ay olive colored egg's..
Thanks! I think she's on the mends. I'm so thrilled as I thought for sure she was a goner when I went out to find her this morning. Her breathing was shallow and her face was plastered in the mud :(. I think I found her just in time! But, she's now standing well, eating loads of treats and recovering. I will keep her in tonight as she's not strong enough to roost. I'll see how well she is in the morning. Her right eye is still closed, I tried to flush not sure about that.

Hope you girl is doing better...

Your such a good Moma !! You did everything right!! Glad to hear she is on the mend.. It is crazy we can keep them alive..
I am so sad, last night I found mites on some girl's & we all know what that means.. Infestation. I have to say I haven't been out back to check for the night crawlers,in About 3 months, but one girl has been week, I did check on her for them.. those little things move when you move the bird to look for them.. Plus I did not look under the wing, that is where I found them.. So off I got to get something for these gross-me-out discussing little things.. I had the ébée-jeeebeeess all night long.. I'm itching as we speak, not kidding .. I'm a bit freaked out!! :sick
The only thing I'm excited about is rebuilding my run.. Which will take forever.. So I guess I could be happy that everyone's not laying now.. Down side, no farm fresh egg's for a while.. I wonder how long I will have to treat & and with hold the egg's.. I guess I will find out when I read more about that..
Our poor bird's..

Try "Poultry protector"

And you may have chicken lice instead of mites. There's a difference. The poultry protector which I've seen in Walmart in San Tan Valley and Tempe Tack and feed, has citric acid so it's a natural product which really surprised me And works quite well.

I hand raise most of our girl's just for this reason. I do body check's at least once a week or sometimes very other.. I never see the white egg's attached to their feather's.. When I would do the vent check for lice, I never saw the mites.. They know when you move the chicken, they go the other way.. So last night I lifted up her wing ans caught a few running to the other side.. I am so sick.. I put her down, which she has been all by herself for a by.. Changed my clothes, went out and look at a few more with none, then got a hold of one other girl and there they were.. This was at 9:30 pm, way past bed time.. So these little gross, awful things were on our birds.. I went to Tempe Feed and hot what they had.. It will do for now, I won't have time to sustain everyone untill this evening at bed time. Our rooster is not easy to catch.. & then there is getting in all of the crack's.. However I will probably just toss out some of the nest's.. They were free from a neighbor, book shelves.. Another neighbor has wood wine box's that I will put together for a new nesting area.. That is the only exciting thing about this whole thing..

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