Arizona Chickens

HI all doing good still have a bunch of blue copper chicks and some black pullets that will be Marans, Isbars or Cornish but the Other birds have all been spoken for.  Opps have Rare white Maraans too. Just finished building chicken tube feeders. Love them no more wasted food and no chicken poo in them eitgher Love em he he he

Can you post photo's of the white Marans? & the tube feeder..?
Love your feeder!!
I just sent them a photo asking for one.. Thanks.. Are those bird's easy to sex at a young age? What color are the egg's?
who did you send a request for the feeder?? And no it takes about 3 months to tell male for female. I have not gotten any eggs yet so don't know how dark they will be. Trying to pare down on breeds hubbys health is not good enough for me to have so many. Having to trim dowm to half
who did you send a request for the feeder?? And no it takes about 3 months to tell male for female. I have not gotten any eggs yet so don't know how dark they will be. Trying to pare down on breeds hubbys health is not good enough for me to have so many. Having to trim dowm to half
The feeders are 20.00 without the mounting boards and 25 with
Love your feeder!! :yesss: I just sent them a photo asking for one.. Thanks.. Are those bird's easy to sex at a young age? What color are the egg's?

who did you send a request for the feeder?? And no it takes about 3 months to tell male for female. I have not gotten any eggs yet so don't know how dark they will be. Trying to pare down on breeds hubbys health is not good enough for me to have so many. Having to trim dowm to half

You know them! :idunno.. I'm cracking myself up, like I think you know who is "THEM" is.. A family friend that can build anything they see.. I think I sent "THEM" a photo a while back.. Thinking to myself, I would like one of those.. But never said anything.. You inspired me to take action..

Did you hatch them yourself? If so what color egg's were they? I totally get having to pair down on chciken's.. I was so done after like 9 broodies last year.. But NO I see someone has salmon Feverolles and that was it for me.. I don't think I will ever be without S.F. Theya re absoulutly the sweetiest chicken's.. Hope your DH feels better..
Oh, here is a fun photo of the girl's playing with their treat!! Then relaxing in the shade.. They are finally coming out from the corner.. Still won't come close, bit hopefully someday.. Ther is one that is a bit larger that could be a drake.. Hope not though.

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You know them!
.. I'm cracking myself up, like I think you know who is "THEM" is.. A family friend that can build anything they see.. I think I sent "THEM" a photo a while back.. Thinking to myself, I would like one of those.. But never said anything.. You inspired me to take action..

Did you hatch them yourself? If so what color egg's were they? I totally get having to pair down on chciken's.. I was so done after like 9 broodies last year.. But NO I see someone has salmon Feverolles and that was it for me.. I don't think I will ever be without S.F. Theya re absoulutly the sweetiest chicken's.. Hope your DH feels better..
Yes I have adds out of craigslist and will take some to thw swapmeet if I have too.I had to get a job and now their care and it is really hard on him. I love my chickens but have to put him first. I have to sell about 54 chickens to pare down to half and have to do it pretty quickly. Hope to find buyers who will care for them with love too
Wow. I guess you really can never tell. This is the first summer for my girls too and I really didn't know what to expect of them. They had actually backed off a bit on their laying in June when it got super hot but now they're going strong. I've got four Aussies, two Barred Rocks and 1 Buff Silkie girl, all hatchery stock, in the same flock. In the intense heat of June I averaged 34 eggs per week from them, and now I'm up to 43 per week on average. 

Once the weather cools a bit I bet yours will start laying better. Phoenix is still a lot hotter than where I live. 

Wow, whatcha feeding those girls!?
Oh, here is a fun photo of the girl's playing with their treat!! Then relaxing in the shade.. They are finally coming out from the corner.. Still won't come close, bit hopefully someday.. Ther is one that is a bit larger that could be a drake.. Hope not though.


How precious! I have found that my ducks have gotten more friendly over time. One loves to follow me around the garden constantly...but does NOT want to be touched. :weee

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