Arizona Chickens

That's the truth. I'm luck to live where I do for now because my two closest neighbors either used to raise chickens or still do. It's zones agricultural here, but there are still "city folks" who move to the area and then complain about the sound of roosters crowing and the smell from my neighbor's horses. And now...the non-buildable "flood plain" area has been sold to a developer who wants to put in some cookie-cutter housing. Yeah...great. I'm sure there will be complaints about my roosters as soon as the first house is built.

I know what you mean. They want to build a couple of housing developments out here where I am, and zone us in. We are fighting it though. We don't want a ton of new houses out here, because more houses usually means more neighborhood crime, and higher taxes.
I was questioned that very thing and was told that "horses qualify as rodeo animals and transportation". When's the last time you saw someone riding a horse on the interstate?

I know. My neighbors behind me have 3 horses, a mule, and a donkey. In the 11 years that I have lived here, I have only seen them ride the horses twice. I guess they are just yard ornaments that you have to feed and water?
Class warfare! The horse people are "equestrians". We are "hicks"!:barnie

Yeah, well, this "hick" became a member of MENSA at the ripe old age of 19, has multiple degrees, owns two businesses and a farm, is a published author, and makes a damn fine roast chicken so they can shove their assumptions where the sun can't shine. ;)
I know what you mean. They want to build a couple of housing developments out here where I am, and zone us in. We are fighting it though. We don't want a ton of new houses out here, because more houses usually means more neighborhood crime, and higher taxes.

We're hoping to buy as much acreage as possible that runs adjacent to our property but it's not up for sale yet. They've been working on developing this land for the past two decades but the owner still has listed anything for sale. That didn't stop them from turning off our water for days so they could install a huge, ugly pipe structure at the end of our driveway though.
We're hoping to buy as much acreage as possible that runs adjacent to our property but it's not up for sale yet. They've been working on developing this land for the past two decades but the owner still has listed anything for sale. That didn't stop them from turning off our water for days so they could install a huge, ugly pipe structure at the end of our driveway though.

Those land developers can't stand to see a plain patch of dirt, and they feel like they have to hurry up and cover it up with concrete, tar, and more buildings, creating more traffic and traffic lights. Rural places are cooler than the cities are because of those same reasons.
Those land developers can't stand to see a plain patch of dirt, and they feel like they have to hurry up and cover it up with concrete, tar, and more buildings, creating more traffic and traffic lights. Rural places are cooler than the cities are because of those same reasons. who establishes the HOA and what is the developer's part in this?
Yeah, well, this "hick" became a member of MENSA at the ripe old age of 19, has multiple degrees, owns two businesses and a farm, is a published author, and makes a damn fine roast chicken so they can shove their assumptions where the sun can't shine. ;)
Funny thing about assumptions.
Birds take quite a dedicated owner, and you can't just send them to a boarding stable! I think that a neighborhood with chickens is a good thing. Even if they are OK by the zoning, I do not want to be the only one in the area with chickens, for all the above reasons!
Funny thing about assumptions.
Birds take quite a dedicated owner, and you can't just send them to a boarding stable! I think that a neighborhood with chickens is a good thing. Even if they are OK by the zoning, I do not want to be the only one in the area with chickens, for all the above reasons!

I love that I have neighbors with farm animals. I chuckle when the goat belonging to my nearest neighbor starts "talking" or I hear a more distant neighbor's horses neighing and playing with their bells. Another neighbor's roosters crow like crazy, sometimes triggering mine to crow back, and another neighbor's ducks quack happily around dusk. I will take the sounds of the country over the sounds of the city any day, and I wasn't even raised in the country. I spent so much of my life in the rat race, and now I spend my time making healthy soil, growing healthy chickens and produce, and actually enjoying life instead of flying through it at breakneck speed. I've found my little patch of peace in a chaotic world, and I've no intention of surrendering it to those who simply prove incapable of appreciating the beauty of true freedom.

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