Arizona Chickens

hello Arizonans! So I built myself a cooler incubator and I wasn't expecting it to work as the temperatures were just not staying right, but I put a bunch of eggs in it to test it anyways. Now I have 13 baby chickens that I can't do anything with lol. Is anyone interested? I'm in Tucson.

half of them are backyard mixes that I got from a lady for free, as test eggs, right now they are allYellow, and the other half are blue laced red wyandottes that were extras from a batch of eggs I ordered. They are supposed to be really good quality.

if anyone is interested PM me, thanks!

I dearly would like a blue laced red Wyandotte, I will very happily drive down and pick them up and deliver then, with help on the gas. On that stretch og I-10 when congested I get about 23 to 26 miles per gal. At best 31 mpg. If I am going to get them I would like to do it Monday. PM me, also if I am making the trip, and exchanges or other eggs or chicks from or to Tucson BYC members, why not. If I go mind as well make a day of it. Members that have pullets or Roos along the way that need to get to Tucson or Phoenix, mind as well. I'm at your service. I really would like at lest one, I have more chicks coming, it is a good time for me. I should have the run finished and the coop ready to move in by the time they can join my flock.

I can wait until Tuesday but not later then Friday. I have asked my daughter if she could help me clean my house. I am very disorganized, and have problems getting over whelmed when faced with house labor.

i got a BLRW breeding pair from ohio (shipped eggs, hatched, raised by me) they are just over a year old now and she still will not allow him to fertilize her eggs. its him with 2 ladies, the BLRW and an aloha x buff rock . i just dont understand it, the mix hens are all fertile but not a single one of the pure.

Maybe she doesn't like him, he may have said something that offended her. I once had a friend who had the same problem but with goats. It was the billy, he just would not touch this one doe.
Animals have likes and dislikes to. Chickens are no exception.

I have been trying to figure out why Whinny will not lay. I do not think she is really comfortable. She has tried out each nesting box, now she will not go in any.
Gidget lays her first egg today!! 26 weeks old

"Do you mind"

The egg was stuck to her feathers. Once I had her stand, it dropped off.

Her tiny little egg next to my two silkie hens

Silkie eggs to compare next to my LF gals ( the silkie eggs look big in the pic but they are still pee wee eggs
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Cinco de Mayo cupcakes

Mmmmm.... yummy!!

Gidget lays her first egg today!! 26 weeks old

"Do you mind"
Congrats to Gidget!! My silly silkie went broody after only laying her cute little eggs for me for a few weeks. She will be a momma to some ducklings soon! I can't wait to start getting those tiny little eggs again when she's done with all this...
Just got the yard ready and the fence up and chicks ordered, now its time to build the incubator
12 Showgirl eggs should be here by the end of the week!!
Went out to check on the broody and she was no longer on the eggs and they were cold. I took the two that I thought had hope and put them in the bator, just for kicks but I'll be removing them Tuesday if they haven't hatched.

So. no naked necks for me.

BUT.. the broody is being very attentive to the 14 Dellies and 1 SLW sent to me by Kathy.

Those Dellies just run everywhere and she keeps calling them back... good mama.

I thought I had another broody today, but alas, she's off the golf balls. I'm hoping she get's broody before the 18th.

I candled the 28 eggs I had in the bator and I'm now down to 25. Removed one blue, one brown and one Aloha.


I got my ducks yesterday. Thank you to Sonora silkies. They seem to be settling in just fine and seem to be pretty happy. Last night when the chickens went to bed the ducks went under the chicken coop. This was great because I was able to lock them in to the run and keep them safe. This morning when the sprinklers came on the ducks were happy to leave the run and go into the chicken yard and play in the water. My hens are not quite sure what to think of the ducks but I'm sure they will get used to them soon. I have a five month old puppy Pug, it's really not sure what to think of them and keeps barking at them.
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My broody buddies and the pen I built them yesterday. Each girl has three eggs. I moved them out of the nesting boxes and put their eggs on each side of this rolling paper storage box. After they got settled into their new home they moved their eggs together and are sitting together like they did prior to becoming broody. These two have been buddies since I brought them home from Adens Oasis Feed in Sept. 2012. The Buff Orpington used to take her big wings and cover Meathead (the white one) and two bantam Rhode Island Reds to keep them warm, even under a heat lamp she would cover them. One of the Bantam RIR died in it's sleep as a chick and the other was attacked by a predator and died as a pullet. These two have remained buddies.
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I got my ducks yesterday. Thank you to Sonora silkies. They seem to be settling in just fine and seem to be pretty happy. Last night when the chickens went to bed the ducks went under the chicken coop. This was great because I was able to lock them in to the run and keep them safe. This morning when the sprinklers came on the ducks were happy to leave the run and go into the chicken yard and play in the water. My hens are not quite sure what to think of the ducks but I'm sure they will get used to them soon. I have a five month old puppy Pug, it's really not sure what to think of them and keeps barking at them.
I'm sure they are saying "YEA! Grass to eat!"

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