Arizona Chickens

How many of you would be interested in learning to caponize? A possibility of a teacher coming out this summer to do a clinic; Trying to get an idea of how many folks would sign up for something like that and how much would you be willing to pay to learn?

I would love to take the class. Rooster or not with me, I can release observed. What's the feed stores have roosters so I could I don't think that be a problem I'm giving one if I don't have one on hand.

I know it's already been covered a number of times but two roosters had soup Roeliff when they don't have the hormones?

PS my IPad was stolen. Now I have only my iPhone. This as been a heard week with everything put to gather.

Oh no, where was it stolen from? Was it password protected? Did you have the locator turned on? Agh, :barnie
Nice, lots to work with... We have a few Canis Lillie's, hope that this summer will bring a large bloom.. Got the large one as a gift the end of last year..
I ordered my lilies from robertas online.. stargazer lilies.. they are such great quality i wouldnt trade them for ANYTHING.. they are growing right now :) they come back every year :) i may order more and just make a little fenced area in the front yard for them..
why not come up here to the prescott area... its very nice here and it doesnt get too hot and doesnt get too cold... :/
Yeah, come to the Prescott area. It's tranquil up here and it's nothing like the Phoenix area. Nice trees, cool temperatures, beautiful landscapes and a slower pace of living. I wouldn't trade being out here in the country for nothing in the world. Lived all I want to in the Phoenix area. Had to since my husband worked for the airlines but after he retired we made a beeline for this area. We still talk about pinching ourselves because we still can't believe we live in this great area. Even if it gets warm in the sunshine, the shaded areas are still really cool and you can sit outside any time of day in the shade and be really comfortable.
Thanks to Petra, who delivered a whole bunch of roosters to me today!  Some of them are pure bred, there is a black Ameraucana, a Black Copper Marans a Buttercup and a HUGE, gorgeous New Hampshire.  I am going to process them tomorrow, but if anyone wants one of them for a flock husband AND can pick them up tomorrow or Monday, I can hold them.  I absolutely cannot keep them more than a day or so, though.

All five of the roosters were pure bred.  It's absolutely devastating to me that they are going to the crock, especially the Black Copper and New Hampshire.  Those to were both phenomenal flock protectors and did an amazing job caring for everyone, including the rabbits.  When we had the one doe attack her kits, it was the Black Copper (Ninja), that bolted in between the two in order to protect the kit.  The doe backed down awfully fast and the New Hampshire (Captain Morgan) stepped in on the other side to keep her corralled in place while  we rescued both babies.  But it was far beyond our control and I can not thank everyone enough for stepping up to help.  The Ameraucanas were from Padilla's Peeps, which is supposed to be the best breeder in the Nation for them.  

Yes, thank you, thank you and thank you again for all who helped out.

I will post more pics of my little peeps from Flowers girls and Angle. I not not had anyone interested in the 7 peeps that I am fostering. I think now they are Production Red/Red Star, do not know the 3 white ones are. Please let me know, I am fostering so they are free to good home.

:fl Please some come PM about the 7 Foster Chicks. I really not prepared to take care of them, I do not have them with the 4 peeps. They are still in quarantine. This coming week end will be perfect for some one to pick up chicks that have been watched. I need the brooder pen for my little ones. They are free, and so fair seem healthy. I will be powdering them tomorrow when I get home. Had planed on to day, but it just didn't happen.

Also, I need help in cleaning up my back yard. I have a lot of weeds my girls will not eat, imposable to pull up and I will not poison resort to poison yet. I need to fill the back of my truck with dump stuff, get the chicken pen cleaned up and composting, I have to get my work shop area cleaned up as well. I have been pledged with noise bleeds, go to my profile, the last 3 in FAMILY ALBUM, I will be erasing them in a week or so, to see what I am talking about, inappropriate to post. Trying to clean out and up wreckage left from depression. It is really funny. Anyone that is familiar with it and how it works, it makes no sense at all. I have normal depression right now, anyone normal person would, but I know it has an end, I know why I feel as I do, most of all I can be and am being comforted. The other is like a Steven King Fog Bank rolling in and destroying, you are helpless, only no heart or heroine..

Please let me know if anyone can help.... Bring weed Wacker's, machetes and whatever else you might think to clear the jungle. I have plants going to seed, so I can offer people 'pick your own seeds'. I will be closing in my garden, there may be some salvageable stuff I have you may be able to use. Planing last week end of the month, or the first on April. My mom's memorial is the 13th of April, I have a need to have it done by them. Actually, I am available when you are.

Not that it matters, since I saw that they were picked up, but the yellow ones were breeder-quality Production Reds that are said to do very, very well and get to be great sized.  The darker ones were leghorns and are also supposed to be great layers.  They all came from the Tractor Supply Company in Wickenburg.

I will see about coming out Saturday some to help you out.  It's the least I can do after you coming to the rescue of my flock.

for those that had inquired, all of the rabbits have been rescued from Demo's home today.

Yay, thank you!  No idea where the last hen disappeared to, but there's no telling with me being out of commission for a week.  If you process any of the older ones, let me know how they taste.  None of our feeders had grown large enough to try, so I'm extremely curious to find out what they taste like.

Yeah, wow what a week for you and your precious family! We are gals to have help.. Praying for God's loving hand in this time, for your entire family..
Awesome, thank you for the Golden Feather, whatever that means.. I will have to look it up? AND CONGRATULATIONS..
Now that you mention the breeds of the Ameraucana's I am bummed I did not keep them... :th our tractor s not up in the front yard, due to my D.H.
He wants to ave the best green grass in the neighborhood.. MEN? :idunno. Shoot I will see Arizonachicken in the morning, maybe the family that has
most of the hens will think they are TO MUCH for them.. I could take the BCM & Ameraucana off their hands. Just a thought..
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Ha ha, City! I got one one of those Ameraucanas. And let me tell you, she lays a BEAUTIFUL blue egg. Na na na!

Demos: prayers to you and your family!

Hey, that's NO FAIR! I was anxiously awaiting those eggs and never got one! Glad you have them though and that all is well with them.

Thanks again for the prayers. I had a great talk with our neighborhood pastor and he helped reinforce I'm heading in the right direction and my beliefs are solid. God works in mysterious and great ways.
Unfortunately in my ignorance I got one that isnt very good. It is the sunnyside up incubator off ebay and only has a 50% hatch rate. I currently have 6 eggs in it and am going to get a different incubator soon. I have had the eggs incubating for a week and I candled them and am having a difficult time telling if they are viable or not. I have seen too many posts where ppl have broken open the eggs thinking they are not viable and then saw a heart beat. I am afraid of doing that so dont want to do anything with them yet. I guess time will
Bahahah so tonight we went outside and these weird bug things with wings were flying around we i stabbed em with my broom just to hold em long enough to grab em by the wings (7-8 of these) then dropped em in the brooder box.... bahahahah it was like watching a football would steal it from the other running back and forth across the field.. till they had a moment to swallow it up.. just absolutely halarious.. even my husband and his best friend were out on the porch catching bugs with me bahahah funniest thing i ever did see..

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