Arizona Chickens

I use a "Red Wine Fridge". It doesn't get as cold as a standard household fridge. I remember checking the temp when I got it and thinking "this is perfect for eggs!" But I could not tell you now what that temp was, but works well for me. I *think* Red wine is supposed to be stored at 65* but I'm not a wine drinker, so its perfect for eggs. Now if I could only get an egg turner in it!

Is the egg turner too large to fit? I would think it doable to drill a hold for the power cord and seal it up.
OK, promised some pics later, so here they are. First pic is of chicks still in the boxes. After final headcount, I received 7 Partridge Cochins, and 20 Jersey Giants.

these 2 pics are some closeups of the Cochins, one is a little blurry due to zoom on camera.

And these pics are of the older chicks checking out the new run. The sex link is saying "MOM! There's an ant on my leg!"

I think they like it!

Oh cool! I just got 7 Jersey Giants and 8 Australorps yesterday myself!
Is the egg turner too large to fit?  I would think it doable to drill a hold for the power cord and seal it up.

Id have to do some serious modifications to an egg turner to get it to fit in there. Its a small fridge. Its designed to hold 3 bottles (I think). So I just trimmed down an egg carton and have a wooden block that I rotate around under each side and each end thru the day.

I am really hoping my BLRW get their Ovum in gear and lay me an egg a day so I can do some real hatching. I've only got 3 girls (and one of them is a egg eater, I just don't know who) in this pen. My other pen has a Blue Wheaten Ameruacana pair and two others (Barnvelder and I'm not even sure of the others breed) and I've yet to see a colored egg and she is 14 months old.

Edited: I can't spell egg today.
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I use a "Red Wine Fridge". It doesn't get as cold as a standard household fridge. I remember checking the temp when I got it and thinking "this is perfect for eggs!" But I could not tell you now what that temp was, but works well for me. I *think* Red wine is supposed to be stored at 65* but I'm not a wine drinker, so its perfect for eggs. Now if I could only get an egg turner in it!
I do have a small beverage fridge that does not get cold enough to use for food. I'll have to plug it in and throw a couple of thermometers in it to see what range of temps it has. Great idea! Am I right that you can store hatching eggs longer at cooler temps without as much or a loss of fertility? I don't have too many quail right now so I'd need to save a good many day's worth of eggs before setting them.

the one with the legs out, the Ameraucana was stretching his legs a moment ago. I'll just keep checking on them. They were peeping so loud at the store and on the way home. When I put them in the room and settled in they just shut up.... not a peep........ no panting or lifting wings...... just looking dead.

Just checked on them again and the one was sleeping normal and a buff had it's leg stretched. Hope I have good news in the morning.... sigh........ 1st timers... aren't we great.... LOL
That's babies for you! Remember that your chicks are baby animals and need a lot more sleep than an adult. They do tend to just drop where they are and sleep when the need arises. The first time I saw one like that I thought it was dead, until a clutch mate ran over her and woke her up!
I think 10 days is about it. I believe cooler temps help to preserve the eggs viability overall. I have noticed a difference in hatch rate between counter top stored eggs and cooled eggs.
Hey y'all! I have a 5 month old polish that just started laying. And MAN, IS SHE LAYING EGGS! She has laid two eggs per day all week, only taking one day off. I'm sure its her...I've watched her sitting in the box , sing her song and hop out. Voila! Little bitty egg. I wouldn't be shocked if it was my RR or even the Ameracaunas...but a Polish? This girl is a keeper! And a rescue chicken at that!

How eggciting.. Do they have a pinkish tint?
here are some pictures. Is this normal? Is there something wrong or are they just tuckered out. The thermometer says 90°. It's hard to take a pic with the heat lamp, but you can see where there is a shadow from the box and the water and food are on the other side out of the direct light. I just don't like how they flop down with legs out.
They look like spoiled little brats just making themselves at home, to me.. You are doing a good job.. Precious.. Thanks for posting up the photos.. :highfive:
Go on just about any of the hatchery sites, and they will have a link with instructions on how to care for your chicks. I usually order from Cackle Hatchery, so I'm partial to them.
For the first few days they should be kept at approx 100 degrees. You can gradually lower the temperature after this, down to normal Arizona room temp. Make sure they ALWAYS have clean water available. A hungry chick will peep, a thirsty chick will die.
I have a large cardboard box for a brooder, it is 5 feet long, 3 feet wide, and 3 feet tall. I keep the lamp about 24 inches above the bottom, all the way into one corner of the box. If they get too warm, they can always move away from the light.

Thank you all for putting up with me. I went in to check on them and they are peeping, drinking, pecking...... so guess the little babies were just plain 'ol tuckered out. I just might be able to sleep tonight. :)

When we bought the container for them to drink out of, we put marbles or rocks around the bottom where the water was. The container was a larger one,that gave me piece of mind knowing they would not drowned or a spill.. We used a different container kind of like a sushi first.. Now our hens raise them..
There are a no of laments that have those symptoms. There are members, that as soon as they read your post will be able to help you. It is serious, how bad I can not say, but we have help here. Do you have yogurt?, or vitamin supplements? Electrolights? Can't hurt.

yeah i'm waiting for the likes of Maryhysong - Desertmarcy - Sonoran Silkies etc, to chime in here & help a brother out. I do have electrolites around here somewhere. I just hate medicating something until I know what is wrong with it. Am I being overly cautious here?

There is a emergency Fourm post there for even more to chime in..
Do you think they ate something that they schould not have?
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Update on my Quail. The quail eggs hatched yesterday, my birthday. Today, I looked out and saw this, Momma and Pappa Quail and baby's, they must think my yard is a safe place, pluse food, lots of food. They saw me and started thier retreat. But not a panic escape, :love Over the next weeks while I am still here is will be fun to watch them. If they stay in my yard I think they all have a good chance of making it. There is still work to be done but there are a lot of hiding places. :lol:


Agh, lady how totally precious!! :woot. Hope that you have a blessed day.. :goodpost:

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