Arizona Chickens

We don't have so few honeybees around here and I don't see them much on the moringa.
I think most of the pollination is being accomplished by carpenter bees, they're constantly on the flowers. I don't know why my leaves are so bitter. I haven't yet tried the pods, one tree is loaded with them right now. When do people eat them? I seem to remember that they waited until they dried first? The seed pods are huge!
From what I was researching the leaves are better tasting when young, so if you harvest often, or just very young leaves they should taste better than the older leaves. Most of my morningas I regularly cut down to about 2 foot tall except for one that I let get way too tall! I'm sure it's leaves won't taste as good.

that's a lot for a 5-gal tree, even if they are rarer. Be aware that jujubes will send out runners and sprout new trees along the roots and you will end up with a grove unless you keep them cut down. And the sprouts will be from the rootstock, not the named variety. It took mine probably about 20 years before this happened, but I've got really bad soil, so may have taken the tree longer to send it's roots out as far as it did. I let a few of the sprouts grow that were farther away from the mother tree. The fruit on them is small, about an inch long. Bite sized, they keep well and make a nice snack to take along hiking.
Yeah I know the jujubes can be invasive, but since I'm planing on putting them in the chickens' run they should take care of any runners that might pop up. That's the plan anyway.
that's a lot for a 5-gal tree, even if they are rarer. Be aware that jujubes will send out runners and sprout new trees along the roots and you will end up with a grove unless you keep them cut down. And the sprouts will be from the rootstock, not the named variety. It took mine probably about 20 years before this happened, but I've got really bad soil, so may have taken the tree longer to send it's roots out as far as it did. I let a few of the sprouts grow that were farther away from the mother tree. The fruit on them is small, about an inch long. Bite sized, they keep well and make a nice snack to take along hiking.
That is a lot for those 5 gallon trees, I wonder why he is starting the price that high? He will come down in price when you let him know you've seen them for cheaper at so and so place. Kinda the fun of going to him instead of a regular nursery. The most I've ever payed was $38 there. I've noticed my jujube is more interested in sending up runners than actually producing any fruit, I think I'm just going to dig it up. The fruit I have had wasn't the sweetest tasting and that's what I'm all about.
Most of my morningas I regularly cut down to about 2 foot tall except for one that I let get way too tall! I'm sure it's leaves won't taste as good.
Sill, if you cut them that short, isn't all that is left a trunk? I'm assuming they tolerate such drastic pruning? I have not pruned mine yet. They are less than a year old but still over my head.
Is this a neighborhood exchange?

Both, BYC seed box mostly. Neighbors are invited to join in.. We have a party for the whole neighborhood, we invite others to join in to see how community gets involved with eachother. We have a sign up sheet for the National Wildlife Federation. I will post a photo of the plaque later.. We talk garden, safety Blablabla.. Lots of food and drink.. It is really a community party.. I am hoping our friiends that sell the AZOMITE will be there to help explain how amazing it is.

I would like to attend, will see if I can drag my husband with. 

I've been wanting to get some of the Azomite but don't want a huge bag of it. It will be interesting to hear what they have to say about it.

If they can not make the party I will give you their number.. I have plenty, just remind me when you are over next time..
Here is a plaque that the National Wildlife Federation has.. We will have a brochure at the party. See ya all there..
That is very cool! One of my favorite yards in my neighborhood has one of these.
Can you tell what plant is growing in the far right corner? It is in the pot that is cream colored?
Sweet cant wait to see them, the white breed looks like a leghorn.. They are suppose to be for meat, I hear they lay well.. What have you heard about them..

I have heard that the meat has amazing flavor. Most people caponize them and raise them on fermented grains and goat milk. Then they sell them for a ton of money.

I have seen $50.00 a pound
Does anyone know a reputable place in the east valley to get a silkie hen? We decided to keep our little rooster (thanks to the no crow collar!), and I am thinking of finding him a girlfriend more his size.
He chases around my NN hen but she just runs from him. Will he be able to mount my other hens since they are all standard size?
Will the ladies get used to him and let him mount eventually? He's only been trying for about 2 weeks.
So far he has been great! He even protected one of the 6 day old chicks when it got separated from momma this morning :) after only having hens and pullets it nice to have a cockerel to observe and learn from.

We might have one.. Let me check with the family that is taking the 5 or 6 birds. If they take 5 we will have 1 extra. However, she is a silkie mix/ Millie Fluer de' ullce little thing..
Hey all! Haven't been on in a long long long while. I lost a few beeps this summer and it made me sad. But having just finished my new run for the two still left, I'm looking to round out the flock again with two or three more ladies!

I could grab some chicks from the store but I thought I'd reach out here first to find out if anyone is in need of a home for younger pullets or hens who are still strong layers, happy to pay for them ... I'd rather support y'all here first before i go buy any.


PM Or even just text me 480-five-22-four four four three

Hope everyone is doing well. I am also hoping I can get back into chickening with you guys. I miss the sense community and positivity.


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