Arizona Chickens

Happy New Year everyone (a little early, but whatever!)
I haven't seen any signs of snow here in Tucson. 20 minutes til midnight. I've been watching ESPN all night.

We were up until 1:00 a.m. and had light flurries in Green Valley at that time. Nothing stuck since everything was so wet from all the rain, but it was definitely snow.

Happy New Year, everybody! May all fertilized eggs have a 100% hatch rate and all of our chickens enjoy perfect health this year!
Never mind, see that you're in Mesa. I do get into Mesa a lot these days if you want me to drop them off. I tend to go to Bookmans and/or The Fiber Factory on W. Main and somehow end up blowing most of my day between the 2.
Bookmans is only 2 or 3 miles from me in Mesa.:D

HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone on the Arizona thread!!!​

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Happy New Year!

Just wanted to mention that I have 30 extra Aloha hatching eggs that are getting to the point that I may go ahead and "recycle" them back (by feeding them to hens.) I've sold a BUNCH of fertile hatching eggs on Craigslist for $5 per dozen (or $15 for 42) in the last week. But, I wanted to give buyers the freshest ones possible, so I have misc. eggs here from 5 days to about 10 days old. I'd give buyers the fresh ones, but skipped the eggs that were more than a couple days old!

Then I went back, and I filled my 'bator with 100 eggs to hatch on Jan. 22nd . . . and I fed the "dirty" eggs to my hens . . . and I *still* have 30 eggs left over!!!


If anyone wants these 30 eggs FREE to try and hatch out, please let me know!

For hatching only . . . I can feed them back to hens . . . but if someone wanted to fire up their incubator tomorrow and try to make chicks, send me a PM.

No guarantees that they will hatch! But you might get at least 10-12 chicks?

Photos of my flock:

At least one of my black Ameraucanas has decided to start earning her keep! And she, at least, can figure out what the nesting box is for. All my other chickens ignore it.
So, found this this morning in the nest box, nice blue with a tinge of green, weighed in at 55 1/2 grams, not too bad for a first timer!



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