Arizona Chickens

haha i was just going to say dress is optional :lau

btw i think most buff orps are sweet even when broody compared to other breeds:D, i have never had one peck at me even when broody or in the nest
Okay this is good to know! This is only my second time dealing with a broody. I thought the barnevelder was maybe "extra broody"/ moody. The BO truly is such a sweet breed. Anytime family, neighbors or kids come over to visit I always let them hold Waffles. None of my hens seem to mind being handled, but she is by far the most calm and docile one of the bunch. She just kind of goes dead weight when I pick her up and wants to lean into whoever is holding her. Even when she went through her broody bout, she was still sweet. Just wanted to sit all puffed up on golf balls and eggs all day! I'll keep you all posted on the barnevelder...hoping to break her baby fever in the next few days. No matter how many dirty looks she gives me from chicken jail.
I read that someone soaks their mealworms in hot water overnight so that they would plump up by morning before feeding them to the chickens.
I have added them to the fermented feed before and it worked out fine.
There's alot of ways to add protein, but bugs have the highest percentage. One thing I like to do when the weather is warm enough to bring them out, is set up a light at night with a container partway full of water directly underneath with a tiny bit of cooking oil on the water. All the bugs end up in the water and then I can feed that to the birds in the morning. They LOVE it!
I have added them to the fermented feed before and it worked out fine.
There's alot of ways to add protein, but bugs have the highest percentage. One thing I like to do when the weather is warm enough to bring them out, is set up a light at night with a container partway full of water directly underneath with a tiny bit of cooking oil on the water. All the bugs end up in the water and then I can feed that to the birds in the morning. They LOVE it!View attachment 1354541

That is a cool idea, thanks.

I have used a similar setup a long time ago inside a garden shed. A raccoon made it his home, and ALL (or most) are flea ridden. The water container was a pie pan(shallow) and with a hint of dish soap. The soap cause the fleas to sink rather than float on the top of water. After a few days, I was able to enter shed and not have any fleas jump on me. I know chemicals can achieve similar results, like Ortho Total. (not sure if still available) I like natural solutions better/first.
I have added them to the fermented feed before and it worked out fine.
There's alot of ways to add protein, but bugs have the highest percentage. One thing I like to do when the weather is warm enough to bring them out, is set up a light at night with a container partway full of water directly underneath with a tiny bit of cooking oil on the water. All the bugs end up in the water and then I can feed that to the birds in the morning. They LOVE it!View attachment 1354541
I've probably asked this before, and went back at least 20 pages to see, but supposedly an All Flock Raiser has higher protein than a layer feed, but less in calcium.

I don't know which route to take right now.

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