Arizona Chickens

thank goodness for a full icemaker!! The littles are in the shade BUT it did reach 107 on my covered porch so you know it was hotter than hades out there in the yard, trees, shade and all. The biggies had their mud puddle iced up and the littles had their area iced down too. I love it when they figure what its for - I watched one of my older hens show a younger hen how to move the ice into the water and then stand with the cube inbetween her feet! It was great - I was so fascinated that I didn't think to record it. And the littles know there is cool coming when those cubes melt and they were all laid out on the wet ground an hour later. Starting to cool now but geez this is tough on them. Extra protein tonight for them - I boiled some eggs - I have way too many right now - and I'll give them some eggs - shells and all - they'll love it. Then we have the oyster shell talk. Yep - every night I say remember to eat your oyster shells - eat extra it'll help with the heat! Crazy chicken lady - maybe. Stay cool and safe friends.
After the mister ran for 90 minutes today every single chicken was wet dirt bathing thats 28 chickens at the same time and just laying in the cool dirt I also have a bunch of chickens running around with mud coated feet enjoy the cool mornings while they are here!
Bobby, PLEASE get your chickens outside while they still have time to acclimate to the heat. Otherwise you are likely to lose a bunch of them when they do move.
My garage has a large vent (near the ceiling) and another (near the floor). I also keep the garage door elevated a few inches to keep the circulation going. On top of that big brooder with the circular cutouts, there is a large circular fan that fits perfectly. There is constant air movement in the brooder and garage for now. I see them panting on occasion, but for the most part they are fine.
The NN with the white mottling I got from you is broody. She's hissing and growling at me, makes her feathers stand up so she looks big :gig

Trying to convince my husband to let her have a couple chicks. :rolleyes:He's not being cooperative.
I'm having a broodypalooza here lately! One hens chicks are over 2 weeks old, a second pullets eggs are due to hatch the end of this week, and now I have a Bresse that's been sitting on eggs for almost a week... I think I'm gonna be rehoming alot of birds this summer.. Haha!!
I've got 4 broody right now. Eggs due to hatch any day now. Between the 4 of them they have been on and off the eggs never leaving them alone. Like they are co-sitting! This broody thing this year is a royal mess. Usually I have them broke and all is well. This year they didn't break like usual. I gave in and got some hatching eggs - I don't have a rooster. We will see if this makes them stop this nonsense!
I was *finally* able to break my broody girls a few days ago. I didn't end up separating them, but I removed the golf balls from the nest and put them in the run. This confused Waffles, so she sat on them out in the run for a while and then got bored with that and was over it about a day later. Biddy barnevelder was far more stubborn. After nearly two weeks of broodiness she just up and decided she was done, and is now back to her regular schedule. Thank goodness because it's too hot for them to sit in the box all day and night now. If this happens again I will try a cool bath, like the video @BlueBaby shared from youtube.

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