Arizona Chickens

@SonoranChick I know u asked magicchicken but u can get it at CVS, Walgreens, Amazon
I looked at the side effects I know they are talking about humans but it does say allergic reactions can happen, redness and stinging so since the procedure is painful especially since chinas is bad I'm personally going to go with salves, I know antibiotic ointment are soothing .... i might do a video about fhis... like a before and after but not during the procedure that would be too stressful

Oh and if you use a towel to wrap them, I'm going to stick my towel in the chicken deep freezer where I keep their ice and wrap her in that since its so hot

Btw pretty color blue on your nails, how do your chickens not peck at it? Lol I had to stop wearing polish on my nails bc they were mistaken for food lol

Also my little ones had to learn to not peck at my freckles on my arms :gig
@meetthebubus If we were closer I would let you borrow my DH. He did the surgery one while I held my girl and tears just ran down my face the who time as I gave him what he needed, etc, etc. Please know it will bleed. That's okay - it keeps the gunk out. I used thick gauze pads on the bottom of her foot and then the vet wrap. I cut the vet wrap so it was smaller for the foot and so I didn't get it too tight. My DH is amazing when it comes to stuff like this. Hang in there........
Out to put ice down - its 109 at 2:15pm.
@SonoranChick I know u asked magicchicken but u can get it at CVS, Walgreens, Amazon
I looked at the side effects I know they are talking about humans but it does say allergic reactions can happen, redness and stinging so since the procedure is painful especially since chinas is bad I'm personally going to go with salves, I know antibiotic ointment are soothing .... i might do a video about fhis... like a before and after but not during the procedure that would be too stressful

Oh and if you use a towel to wrap them, I'm going to stick my towel in the chicken deep freezer where I keep their ice and wrap her in that since its so hot

Btw pretty color blue on your nails, how do your chickens not peck at it? Lol I had to stop wearing polish on my nails bc they were mistaken for food lol

Also my little ones had to learn to not peck at my freckles on my arms :gig
Good idea with the towel!
Thank you for compliment the nail color :rolleyes: I'm a bit of a color junkie...the chickens have learned that my nails are not a snack, but they do go after any shade of green. I had to stop wearing my bright light green one because they would not leave them alone haha
What exactly is bubble foot?
It's a staph infection that begins by entering the chicken's foot through any tiny cut. The cut then becomes infected and a small scab or boil will appear, sometimes with redness and swelling too. If left untreated the infection will likely spread and become much worse, and very painful. Worst case scenario, it will go to the muscle and bone, making it so the chicken can't walk and can be fatal. If caught early it is not a huge deal, but it needs to be dealt with before it becomes a life-threatening problem :(
@MagicChicken thank you so much for all the useful advice. I didn't even think of the moisture in the run- that makes so much sense though. Wet, warm sand is a perfect medium for staph infection, which is what bumblefoot is. Do you use misters in your coop/run? I stopped spraying the run down but the misters are on most of the day and it gets very damp in there. This could easily explain the sudden outbreak (which I am 99% sure it is bumblefoot, when I post pics later today you guys can help me determine if I'm right in my assumption). This morning I will be adding more sand to their little landing pad from the roost, and sanding down the roost bars so they're rounded. I also have Vetricyn that I am spraying the feet with. I hold them until it dries and then let them run free.
:lau The thought of your rooster refusing his pedicure gave me a good laugh...mine are so used to being handled I could probably paint their toenails haha

I only use misters when the temps are over 115 degrees. And then I only use them for a couple of hours a day. In my opinion they cause more problems than they solve. Last summer I used the misters for 3 or 4 afternoons total.

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