Arizona Chickens

4 week photos of my babies!
Can't get photos of my 2.5 week olds...their mama won't let me near them :gig
Any bets on breed or gender yet? There are a ton of possibilities lol
Possible crosses-

Roosters (in order of dominance): 1 buff orpington, 1 blue ameraucana, 1 EE

Hens: buff orpington, Rhode Island white, Rhode Island Red, red sex link, mottled java, black austrolorp, blue Andalusian ( definitely 1 chick), Easter egger, black americauna (I can't remember if there was 1 or 2 of her eggs, but 1 definitely quit during development), barred rock, cuckoo maran, silver laced Wyandotte, and gold laced Wyandotte. I don't think I missed any :lau

I can't keep any more roosters, so let's hope for hens (although I definitely will be selling some this year...)
#1 is all black...maybe a tad pink starting to show on comb
#2 and #7 are so far identical
#3 seems pretty buff orpington to me?
#4 must be a rhode island white cross. Already suspecting of being a roo.
#5 little bits of white or yellow on face
#6 definite Easter egger with great personality
#8 absolutely gorgeous colors, but no idea on breed. Any guesses? Afraid this one is a roo :hitand I love it!
#9 seems to be a mottled Java and pretty flighty
#10 definite Easter egger
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Geesh, it's sure hard to get pictures of the one's that I have. They don't want to stand still and pose nicely for the camera. :gigThe wind is blowing a bit too, ruffling the feathers. I was just out there trying to get a picture of that oddball chick that I hatched out a couple months back. It turned out to be a boy by the looks of it. I believe him to be what is called a Gray Breese. I had hubby take the pictures of that one a bit ago, and he will have to get them off of his camera and onto the computer now. Anyway's here was it's baby pictures for now to remind you of what one I'm talking about.

IMG_7012.JPG IMG_7013.JPG

I know that @cactusrota will be interested in seeing what it look's like now, because I got that egg that he hatched from, from her!
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I will take 6 out of 10 being pullets! Lol or even 10 out of 10 ;):lau
I don't know why silver laced Wyandotte x blue ameraucana never crossed my mind....I kept thinking something barred (Plymouth rock or cuckoo maran), but I think you might be right!
Sooo cute! Can't wait to see updated photos!
@MagicChicken That's too bad, but then again starting a different chapter can be great to, how many do you have and general,age?

I have 43 chickens that need to find new homes. All of them are supposed to be black javas but they clearly have other black breeds mixed into their genetic background (primarily australorp.) They are:

4 roosters ages 1-3;
28 hens ages 1-4;
10 birds that are 12 weeks old, of which at least 5 are cockerels;
and one chick that is 2-3 weeks old (it is being raised by its mom. I don't know how much longer she is going to put up with that stuff.)

In the last couple of days two hens have gone missing, which usually means they have gone broody and are nesting somewhere in the yard. I haven't figured out where yet. They're included in the 28 hens ages 1-4, assuming I eventually find them.

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