Arizona Chickens

I see that I'm not the only person who has been having ant problems in or by the coop and run. I was in another thread here that the person has a broody that was hatching eggs. The one egg was in the process of hatching and ants were attacking it.

This is why I hatch in the late winter/early spring. So the chicks are out of the brooder before the ants discover them. Ants are vicious.
Yes, although I'd have to hand feed this stubborn girl I guess I'll just set aside some stuff and lap feed her, I had to lap feed punky last summer when she was broody so she wouldn't die, wish chickens had logic lol

In my experience, broodies don't usually die on the nest. Even in summer in southern Arizona. A broody will get up a couple of times a day to eat and drink and poop, then get back on the nest. They usually know what they need to do/eat/drink without any interference from us. Hand feeding them should not be necessary.
This is why I hatch in the late winter/early spring. So the chicks are out of the brooder before the ants discover them. Ants are vicious.

I agree with you! Many people insist on hatching under a broody though, and do not take summertime heat or the ants into consideration. I hatch and brood mine in the house, and they don't go outside until they are fully feathered. I don't know how everyone else here is doing with the ant's, but they seem to be worse this year around here. They are stealing my chickens feed and bringing it back to the anthills. My neighbors and I have declared war on them!
I agree with you! Many people insist on hatching under a broody though, and do not take summertime heat or the ants into consideration. I hatch and brood mine in the house, and they don't go outside until they are fully feathered. I don't know how everyone else here is doing with the ant's, but they seem to be worse this year around here. They are stealing my chickens feed and bringing it back to the anthills. My neighbors and I have declared war on them!

Most of my feed is going to the squirrels.
In my experience, broodies don't usually die on the nest. Even in summer in southern Arizona. A broody will get up a couple of times a day to eat and drink and poop, then get back on the nest. They usually know what they need to do/eat/drink without any interference from us. Hand feeding them should not be necessary.

Well maybe under normal circumstances but Punky's wasn't normal she never broke broody, she got weird and weak, and got deathly afraid of Roo so she would never go out she got challenged by Goldie for pecking order and lost bc she was weaker so Goldie was then another she was scared of, when it got cooler I took her out of the mansion nest and made a mini run for her inside the run. She quickly learned no one could get to her there and she relaxed and started eating on her own and laying once she regained weight after about 2 or 3 months of "therapy" she forgot her fears and rejoined the others in the run but she would of died bc of her circumstances if there was no intervention

I thought again this summer she was going to do the same this summer, but as soon as I integrated she left the nest again and stays out with everyone Punky is Roo's favorite much to her dismay
Yes, it is cute! I used to raise rabbits years ago in Louisiana. I even built my own cages for them. I ran 15 does to 5 bucks. Your's is still young enough that he might believe you if you tell it that it's a chicken! :lau
My niece is raising rabbits in Louisiana right now. It's been an experience for her since she grew up in Seattle. :cool:
@BlueBaby do not send your ants here - I will cinnamon them!
@SMorrison7k I vote for 2 and 3 - I really like the ruffled feather on the white chickie
@MagicChicken How is the rehoming going?
@Diannastarr Hey we haven't heard from you in a while!! Hope all is well with you and yours.
We did get some rain. Mostly drizzle and a little shower or two but perfect for cooling and settling the dust. The girls were happy, happy, happy yesterday and then I told them this morning the heat was coming back! They all dissed me like crazy. I'm having trouble with lice and mites this year - treat, work over the coop and treat has been my motto this year. I've been hyper vigilant regarding cocci. Not much cold weather to do most of them in last winter. I discovered scaly leg mites on one of the girls yesterday! SO I just said to heck with it and ordered some PSP Elector - dang expensive but it should do the trick. I'm thinking I should spray the whole yard!!

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