Arizona Chickens

here’s my other ones to compare with

It's a hen, your eggers look like mine! Yours and my hen Honey look like twins! here she is...

We are molting here. Feathers everywhere.
I thought you had younger birds?? If I remember right your birds should be around 16 weeks old or so. No eggs yet right. You are probably blowing your juvenile feathers right now. If you do have the younger birds you shouldn't officially molt until next fall/winter - not this year. Chickies molt 2 times in their first year. Their down, then their juvenile feathers, then at 1 year to 18 months they start their yearly molting process. I too have younger chicks - they are 13/14 weeks old. They have been losing their juvenile feathers like crazy! Its almost like the beginning of molt for my big girls. Crazy stuff molting.
@igorsMistress - that is a great idea - when I feel sure we are rid of these unseeable critters I'll begin doing that.
Yep, got one of those broody girls too.....insistent on being on that nest. I just keep knocking her out and she's never happy. Plus I have birds that just get in there with her to lay their eggs. It is crazy and with the heat!
@igorsMistress I'm working with scaly leg mites - so much fun! They don't die well. You have to coat them so they suffocate. Yes - in the desert they want me to use vaseline or A&D ointment!

One of the old-time poultry guys told me to use scarlet red oil for scaly leg mites. It helped. It comes in a spray can labeled "Red-Kote." Dr. Naylor may be the brand. It leaves a red coating on their legs. He said to re-spray when the red wears off. Don't know if it will help you or not. With my can the stuff went everywhere, so don't wear good clothes when you use it.
HELP! Is this a roo or a hen? I see it bumping chest with the roo a lot. So now it has me wondering whether it’s a boy or girl:barnie roughly 16-20 weeks old

I have had laying hens chest bump each other. You can't always rely on that behavior.
Edited to add: if it's chest-bumping a rooster the odds are it's a rooster.

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