Arizona Chickens

Is he trying to breed them before he show's them where the food is? Maybe the hen's are just trying to teach him how to be a "gentleman" in the flock?
Oh they peck the crap out of him if he is standing to close to them. If he is on the roosting bar. They really don’t like him. These r the same hens that almost killed him as a chick:lau
I have had a few and from what I read it sounded like a bad thing. I’m so confused :idunno

Sounds like you may be reading that from a hatcher's point of view, it wouldnt be a good egg to hatch, and these eggs usually come from a young one trying to get her schedule right so they are rare, thus special and fun at least for me :bun;) :thumbsup
Oh they peck the crap out of him if he is standing to close to them. If he is on the roosting bar. They really don’t like him. These r the same hens that almost killed him as a chick:lau

If you really want to have a roo, then maybe you could swap him out for a different roo that the hen's will like?
Any ideas for an irritated rear? It's only Mr Roo, I've trimmed the feathers in the area but wondering if there is something for irritation for that area to prevent problems

Also how much DE do you all apply to your feed?

What do you mean by "irritated rear?"

If patches of skin near his butt are bright red, he probably has mites and/or lice. Treat for those even if you don't see bugs. Roosters tend to get mites and lice before the hens do. Sometimes the hens never get them, even when they are in with the infested rooster. So keep the rooster treated and you will avoid a lot of problems.

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