Arizona Chickens

Good morning AZ. Crazy weather here last night, we had horizontal rain, thunder and lightning blow through last night just as darkness fell. I was outside to close the pop door and checked on the wee ones...a little rain was able to blow through the vents but they were warm and toasty under the heat plate. We've had a few issues getting supplies, mostly milk, so my daughter has been buying at a store in an affluent neighborhood on her way home. We're not running out, just staying ahead. I hope I can buy some flour and yeast this weekend and might pick up more feed/dog food if I can. How's everyone doing?
Boy I am gonna need another coop here in a few months. Anyone got one? Know anyone getting rid of a coop?
Welcome! I like Naked Necks because they handle our summer temps a little better than others. As long as you give them a way to wade in cool water and some damp soil then most will be fine. Coop ventilation is very important too. Good luck!
I was in Bisbee a few years ago. Almost any breed dies very well down where you are. Cool water, misters, watermelon, goid ventilation. These are the keys to happy chickens. I gave a great naked neck. She came from here in Marana. Still laying since 2016. Wyandottes, Marans, bards, leghorns. All are great here
@AndresLewis Another breed that will do well in your area is an Australorpe - I probably spelled it wrong. Anyhow they come in different colors as well as being good layers. Also many in hot areas have had good luck with Orpingtons. Good luck!
Hi! How are you doing?
Boy I am gonna need another coop here in a few months. Anyone got one? Know anyone getting rid of a coop?

Have you checked the Craigslist for your area? Sometime's people are moving and have already sold the flock that they had, but now want to sell the coop's. Make sure if you get one that it's well built. Those fabricated one's usually aren't built very good and are too flimsy.
@igorsMistress I'm doing okay. It is getting easier to be a singleton until something like a cold slams at you!! I laughed at myself - had I been taking care of someone else they would have had all sorts of meds to take care of their head cold but taking care of myself I just forgot until about 5 or so days in - believe me I am not used to being my own caretaker!! We don't realize how many times when we don't feel well someone says ' why don't you take some Musinex ' or some such thing - I only took tylenol for my fever - I probably would have been better faster. I'm fine now and moving again but I learned a thing or two!! Really all is well - not the right climate for selling a house - but who knows - maybe someone will come and offer me cash!! :yesss: :oops: :lau
@igorsMistress I'm doing okay. It is getting easier to be a singleton until something like a cold slams at you!! I laughed at myself - had I been taking care of someone else they would have had all sorts of meds to take care of their head cold but taking care of myself I just forgot until about 5 or so days in - believe me I am not used to being my own caretaker!! We don't realize how many times when we don't feel well someone says ' why don't you take some Musinex ' or some such thing - I only took tylenol for my fever - I probably would have been better faster. I'm fine now and moving again but I learned a thing or two!! Really all is well - not the right climate for selling a house - but who knows - maybe someone will come and offer me cash!! :yesss: :oops: :lau
I'm sure happy you're on the mend! I was thinking about you quite a bit and wondering if maybe you already sold or what was going on. I know what you mean about taking care of ourselves. We often tend to focus on others or something that needs doing and put off self care. Now is definitely the time to take care of you! I hope things smooth out and you get your place sold soon.
My hubby is going to be tested for covid 19. He was tested for the flu which was negative. I’m in quarantine with him. Thank God for chickens. They make me smile everyday. Stay well everyone!

I hope that everything goes well for you up there, and that his test will come back negative.

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