Arizona Chickens

So, what do most people do with small breed males?
If I have several, I eat them. I just disposed of the little guy (in the trash) when a buyer took the girl Exchequer. He was only 6 weeks old and trying to crow. :( Some sell them to people who have pet snakes, or donate them to local wild life rescues, things like that. Hatcheries sell them as "chicken by-products" to pet food mfg.
Well, maybe when they are the right size, you can cook them up and then debone the meat for your dog's if you don't want to eat them yourself?
You do not have to debone all the bones if you pressure cook them. But, it is plucking them that is time sucking. I have made chicken dog food in my pressure cooker, I share it with the dogs, and use the good chicken meat myself!
Can you share a recipe for the dog food?
Maybe if you had enough boy's to do that to for your dog's, you could can them in jar's on the shelf. That way you wouldn't have to give all of the cooked rooster's to them at once. Maybe mix a jar at a time up in their regular dogfood?
Well, guess what? The incubator has been sanitized a second time, and now there are 19 eggs in it. I left room for 3 more, and when the Leghorns get busy today, they'll join the others. In case of too many chickens, Craigslist is my friend. I think. :rolleyes:

With an 18% hatch rate last time and even lower the time before, that should give about 4 chicks, right? (Don't remind me about that troublesome Murphy dude.)
Actually your percentage is improving. The trend is (lower), 18, then maybe 25%, even better! And didn't you get a nurture right 360? Craigslist might become your best friend!

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