Arizona Chickens

Have any of the adults been molting? Molting and being broody can slow down egg laying or even fertility.
That's probably it! The girls are looking pretty scrubby, and I've been trying to figure out if they're molting or getting too much romance from the roo. :)

Woke up to a chilly house this morning and had to grab a sweatshirt, then a jacket to take the dogs out. The thermometer says 74 degrees in the house. The monsoon rains are cooling us off.
That's probably it! The girls are looking pretty scrubby, and I've been trying to figure out if they're molting or getting too much romance from the roo. :)

Woke up to a chilly house this morning and had to grab a sweatshirt, then a jacket to take the dogs out. The thermometer says 74 degrees in the house. The monsoon rains are cooling us off.
It was in the low 70's all day yesterday, the house finally dropped to 76! Opening the windows doesn't help much. Lots of rain to push off the tarps on the chicken run.
It didn't rain yesterday. Hooray! it has rained every day for the past 10 days down here. So I might be able to get some coop building done, I have 8 more to build.

That is if the damn rattlesnakes leave off.

Once the coops are done I can start laying the foundation for the hatching and brooding barn. Though I am tempted to re-configure the Hydroponics house instead of building a new barn. I just would have to roof one side of it to make it cooler.
Hooray! it has rained every day for the past 10 days down here..That is if the rattlesnakes leave off.

30 more days of same,, and you may have serious concerns :idunno
Don't you just wish those were left off the ARK:old

I just got back from a work road trip to Fools Hollow and Lyman Lake State Parks - I thought we would get rained out but it held off for us at the right times and we just drove back thru some intense but short lived storm bands around Flag last night.

The grass/weeds are now 2 feet or more high in places! My chicks are all hopping to get out of the brooders. Here's the youngest ones -- 20210819_102144.jpg

And the smallest one no longer needs boots (she kicked them off while I was gone) and neck has healed almost completely!
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I finally got fed up with the 2 broody's hogging up the nesting boxes, and since I had one X-large dog crate empty, that's where they both are at now. They can come back out after they stop being broody. There's still one more that's being broody next door.

@CaroleW I'm glad that the chick's are doing ok and that that one has now healed.

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