Arizona Chickens

You may already be doing this, but have you tried giving her a little sugar in the water? Or a very watery mash? It might give her some calories she is not getting otherwise to help her body recover. You can also give liquid baby vitamins (without iron).

I hope she pulls through. It is so hard to see them like this.

I'd suggest bringing her inside where it is cooler, and keeping her in a quiet, darker room. Gatorade or pedialyte would be good. Put food and water where she can get it without moving. Maybe hardboil and mash an egg for her.

If you want a chicken to eat a particular scorpion, cut off its tail stinger first. A number of years back a friend's chicken was stung by a scorpion and she ended up with a quite large vet bill.

Well, God bless your big ol' chicken lovin' hearts.
I am just not that good. She does have water and food where she doesn't have to move, but the rest of these things fall under "heroic" for me. Especially the bringing her in the house. That would be over my proverbial dead body. Oh, and wow! You must really love your chickens to cut the stinger off of a scorpion for them. I would smash it before I would get close enough to cut off its tail. Usually they find their own scorpions. And there are plenty of them here. They will just have to take their chances with them.
Thanks for your thoughtfulness. She is recovering. She can walk now, but I am letting her stay on the patio one more night as she still prefers to sit. Probably still a little numb. She is eating and drinking and pooping. I will kick her out tomorrow.
re: scorpions. When I find them before the chickens, I smash off the stinger, just to be safe. When they find them first they just attack them and fling them back and forth. I thought I saw one sting a chicken on the beak but it must not have penetrated because there was no adverse effects. I still worry though. Thanks for the tip about benedryl, may come in handy.
You may be the FIRST to hatch Icelandic eggs laid in Arizona.

Well, don't jinx me!!!!!!!!!!! You can imagine my excitement when I saw the movement in those two eggs! And how about those marans! And what in the world is the mystery egg? do you remember? i can't possibly wait 11 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have some chickens that need new homes! They hatched in the middle of March from LareePQG's eggs, so who knows what they are ;-)


There are 2 of these. This one is the roo. He has a touch of white on the tips of his wings. The girl looks exactly like him, but with slightly larger snow shoes and less roo-y. They are both friendly and will eat out of your hand.


I am almost positive she is a she. She's only flighty one of the bunch, but she might calm down as she gets older.


And this lazy roo (unless Laree or Sommer want him for the Aloha Project, they have first dibs).
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