Arizona Chickens


I was gone all day yesterday from 9am to 9pm, take the kids to swim team, sit there in the heat, go test drive a jeep with the hubby real quick, take the kids home for lunch, wait for hubby, run to Mahonri's, grandma's, friend's house, girl scout leader meeting, go pick up old vehicle at the dealership and then it's 9pm! I was afraid I would wake up to some dead chickens this morning, but no, just my grape vines look terrible. I hope those make it through the summer too.

Mahonri, today is day 18. Can you feel my excitement? I am just busting for those little buggers to come out. After my last terrible hatch under the broody(who I SOLD) I am keeping my fingers crossed. Thank YOU for all the lovely eggs and future
My daughter is still trying to figure out why a dentist has chickens.
sonoran silkies

She's awesome ... we went and picked up a blue silkie last week (Flo). Her project birds are really cool
Flo is so funny because she lays on the poop board at night cuddled up with her friends the blue ameraucanas ... they quit sitting on the roost and they sleep like puppies on the board now. Keeping said board really clean so she doesn't end up poopie. It will be sad when the time comes to sell one of the blue ameraucanas ... only planning on keeping one. I guess if they are both girls we might reconsider. I think one is a roo though because of how different their feathers are coming in. No saddle feathers yet though. Combs not developed at all. We'll see.

Shelly what are the saddle feathers? I have an Ameracana that has some odd looking tail feathers coming out, but they are only two months old.

I am so sorry!!!

Dozer always sounded like such a kick (and what a cool looking girl she was). Her fearsome stink-eye will be remembered.


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