Arizona Chickens

azkat: Wow. I'm not sure what the saying pastrymama had in mind was but "sufficient unto the day is the evil therein" I think it boils down to "don't borrow trouble". That being said, wow, sucky. And in the midst of all this chaos you have a new life beginning.
Now, I call that the light at the end of the tunnel.
What kind of work do you do?
I tried working last year but had to give it up after sick and/or misbehaving kids made me miss too much work. I'm an Executive Assistant and working as a part time receptionist (no benefits) wasn't even paying the food bill so I would have had to give it up anyway.

I think Pastry was shooting for KINE-AHORA which is akin to don't jinx yourself by saying it out loud - like "I've never gotten a speeding ticket".

mikey, are you jewish??? how did you know? my mil says that all the time!!!!!!! ahhhhh, the jewish guilt. but i'm not sure if it's worse than the catholic guilt. i got both around here.
Sorry AZKat on life's circumstances the past few years, thinking you need a girl? Now we have two girlees here expecting and hoping namastemama's funding comes through:)

Mahonri, you are so right on a crappy month, but glad you could get some eggs from that handsome dude! Here's to 2012 being better
I think Pastry was shooting for KINE-AHORA which is akin to don't jinx yourself by saying it out loud - like "I've never gotten a speeding ticket".

mikey, are you jewish??? how did you know? my mil says that all the time!!!!!!! ahhhhh, the jewish guilt. but i'm not sure if it's worse than the catholic guilt. i got both around here.

Yep, natural born Jew. Although my mom converted to Christianity & I went to Hebrew school & Sunday school for quite a few year until my parents finally said, make a decision.

If at all possible try to find a zero interest, low transfer fee credit card offer (if you have an existing card). The fee will be lower than the IRS penalites, interest & fees in the long run....
No, just thinking that I need another kid. When we were thinking about #3, we decided that if we had more that 2, we'd want to have four. Not least because my husband's siblings each have 3 kids of the same sex, and we wanted to be different.

Well, that and the fact that after three, I didn't really feel *done*, but thinking about it, I'm ok with the fourth being the last baby.
I'd be happy if I had a girl, but I'd be just as happy if I had another boy. Something different would be nice, but I don't see any problem with sticking with what I'm good at.
mikey, are you jewish??? how did you know? my mil says that all the time!!!!!!! ahhhhh, the jewish guilt. but i'm not sure if it's worse than the catholic guilt. i got both around here.

Yep, natural born Jew. Although my mom converted to Christianity & I went to Hebrew school & Sunday school for quite a few year until my parents finally said, make a decision.

so, am i going to have to say that to my kids too? although, this whole 8 days of hanukah AND christmas is really for the birds. so perhaps sooner than later since they are making out like bandits. i think we are going to have passover this year for the first time. i feel like charlotte from sex and the city, but i won't convert.
my dad called. mom is in icu at mayo, complications from the stem cell transplant. they have a central line, a pic line and other ivs running into her. she has a massive infection in her small intestine, abdomen is filling with fluid and she was having trouble breathing, bp 52/40. white cell count zero. i can't go and see her, i have a nasty cold. sucks!

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