Arizona Chickens

Hi Kate!
We're glad you decided to de-lurk and join us. 25 bantam chicks?!!! How exciting! Good luck on your coop plans and let us know if we can help with any questions.
Hello Gallo! Thanks for the welcome, I know 25 chicks sounds a little questionable. Its a straight run mix of at least 4 varities. It will be interesting.
May have to resort to sneaking them into the Trick or Treaters bags that knock on the front door at the end of the month at halloween time.
I am sure I will have questions as it all comes together.. name is Kate and am new to the forum, have been lurker mode for a few months.

We bought a chicken coop over the summer and it is home to 3 banty silver duckwings,( 2 pullets and a roo.) Names are El Gallo Guapo, Muffin & Figgy.
They are the cutest, spunky trio of chickens around. They have so far survived the Phoenix heat, the dog, pair of red tail hawks, and me being a new owner.

So went ahead and ordered 25 bantam chickens from Mcmurrays today for delivery the first week of October. They will be our official "yard" chickens. The bermuda grass backyard supports a huge insect population that I hope the bantams can help with. Anyone know how many insects a chicken can dine on in a day?

Next project is a hen house, want to get that built asap and am hoping then to get some chickens for eggs and maybe even meat chickens. I've been looking at all kinds of chicken coops and houses here on BYC. Need the hot weather coop version with lots of open air and wire run.

Hoping to get to know all you here.

Welcome Kate. I am going to have to look up duckwings tomorrow. I've never heard of them. I'd look it up tonight but must hit the sack. This is a helpful bunch. Look forward to seeing pictures of your chicken family
Hey gang..... I could use some help! We have 7 chicken of laying age and have only been getting 1 egg a day (if we are lucky)..... only 4 eggs in the last 6 days! They are all eating well and show no signs of "critters" bothering them. Two of them seem to be molting a bit but only slightly (meaning I am finding feathers but they don't look like they have lost very many!) 3 of them are about 2.5 to 3 yrs old and I was thinking they may be really slowing down due to age.

Any thoughts or suggestions?!?

On a funny note...... actually bought a dozen eggs to make deviled eggs the other day. When I finished and offered some to my husband, he tasted them and turned his nose up! He said they had NO taste at all! I guess we have just gotten spoiled with our fresh eggs.
Sounds to me like the girls might just be getting up there in age. Do you offer additional calcium and/or protein? I supplement my girls with calcium as well as a splash of Apple Cider Vinegar in their water. I also offer up a protein snack a couple times a week either eggs or meal worms. name is Kate and am new to the forum, have been lurker mode for a few months.

We bought a chicken coop over the summer and it is home to 3 banty silver duckwings,( 2 pullets and a roo.) Names are El Gallo Guapo, Muffin & Figgy.
They are the cutest, spunky trio of chickens around. They have so far survived the Phoenix heat, the dog, pair of red tail hawks, and me being a new owner.

So went ahead and ordered 25 bantam chickens from Mcmurrays today for delivery the first week of October. They will be our official "yard" chickens. The bermuda grass backyard supports a huge insect population that I hope the bantams can help with. Anyone know how many insects a chicken can dine on in a day?

Next project is a hen house, want to get that built asap and am hoping then to get some chickens for eggs and maybe even meat chickens. I've been looking at all kinds of chicken coops and houses here on BYC. Need the hot weather coop version with lots of open air and wire run.

Hoping to get to know all you here.

Welcome Chick-a-Boo!

If you've been lurking, you already know we need pictures!
How adorable. What breed are the chicks? I am hoping my Mama Hen Gretchen (GLW) goes broody again. It is fun to watch her and the little ones.
They are red sexlinks, Golden Buff "also known as Red Stars, Golden Comets, Golden Sex Links, Red Sex Links and Isa Browns" from One of our fellow chicken admirers put me down on her order. I just hope all five of them make it. name is Kate and am new to the forum, have been lurker mode for a few months.

We bought a chicken coop over the summer and it is home to 3 banty silver duckwings,( 2 pullets and a roo.) Names are El Gallo Guapo, Muffin & Figgy.
They are the cutest, spunky trio of chickens around. They have so far survived the Phoenix heat, the dog, pair of red tail hawks, and me being a new owner.

So went ahead and ordered 25 bantam chickens from Mcmurrays today for delivery the first week of October. They will be our official "yard" chickens. The bermuda grass backyard supports a huge insect population that I hope the bantams can help with. Anyone know how many insects a chicken can dine on in a day?

Next project is a hen house, want to get that built asap and am hoping then to get some chickens for eggs and maybe even meat chickens. I've been looking at all kinds of chicken coops and houses here on BYC. Need the hot weather coop version with lots of open air and wire run.

Hoping to get to know all you here.

Welcome to the madness!
Sounds to me like the girls might just be getting up there in age. Do you offer additional calcium and/or protein? I supplement my girls with calcium as well as a splash of Apple Cider Vinegar in their water. I also offer up a protein snack a couple times a week either eggs or meal worms.
They have extra calcium available all the time. I will try the extra protein. I was thinking I just need to replace the three oldest but this is the first time we have gotten to this point and wanted to get some extra opinions. We have the metal water dispensers so I have not been adding the ACV but may have to pull out the plastic dispenser and try that.


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