Arizona Silkies

Hey fellow SW silkie fans, Im in Albuquerque NM and am having a hard time finding mature silkies of any if anyone comeing to my area and would like to sell some silkies..need around 6 younger laying hens I will pay top dollar and would very much appreciate it ! Thanks everyone Ollie
So, possibly moving to the Mesa area in March....

What are the rules on "house chickens"? The ordnance I read made it sound like they had to be in an outdoor coop....

Also, is there a rule about not being able to dye your chickens? ( Our silkie is currently pink)

Any recommended areas around Mesa to look for housing that is chicken-friendly?
Hello All! I live in Tempe and had a question for everyone around this area. I am planning on hatching some paint silkies for easter and my question is what type of watering system do you use in the summer? I tried a plastic container with little nipples but the algae was constantly growing. Currently I'm using just a plastic tub and still find myself washing it out at least 3 times a week. If someone could give me some advice, I would greatly appreciate it. I will look for more AZ threads to see if anyone has any ideas.
I'm located in Mesa, AZ and I'm looking to buy Paint/Splash bearded silkies. Does anyone here have any they're selling?
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I'm located in Mesa, AZ and I'm looking to buy Paint/Splash bearded silkies. Does anyone here have any they're selling? 
I have 19 in the incubator and they are due to hatch around March 26. They are developing right on schedule and I do plan on selling most of them. When they hatch I will upload some photos and you could let me know if you're interested.
That would be fantastic! Do you have any idea what colors you will have? Where are you located?
I am located in Tempe near to ASU. I bought these eggs from Linda who owns Twin Maple Ranch. I will attach one of her Ebay auctions so you can see what I have. Hopefully I will get some paint chicks along with a few solid white or black. I'll post some photos on this thread and the Arizona thread when they hatch.
My paint Silkie have hatched!!! They are so adorable.

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