Arkansas folks speak up.........

I don’t know about most affordable. I don’t recall seeing any at Tractor Supply in Farmington, you might check there first. They normally have better prices than Lowe’s up on MLK for that kind of stuff but I just don’t know what they have. It’s been years since I got any hardware cloth but I got mine at Lowe’s on MLK.

If it’s not immediately available at Tractor Supply, you can talk to them and see if they can get it shipped in for you. They can probably do that and you avoid shipping. Compare prices with what’s available at Lowe’s.
We are currently building a run so the girls have more room to wonder as the coop we bought I feel is to small to be in more than overnight. So trying to decide best predator proof, avoiding a muddy run. Was thinking hardware cloth to help with digging predators. Any better suggestions? TIA.
The way I protected against digging predators was to use an apron. Lay a piece of wire mesh about 18” to 24” wide flat on the ground around the coop/run. Then attach it firmly to the bottom of the coop/run. You don’t have to cover it with dirt but if you take up the grass turf to the roots and put that back on top it keeps it out of the way of weed eaters and lawn mowers. The idea is that a digging predator goes up to the fence, starts digging, hits the wire, and does not know to back up. It’s effective. I’ve seen where something tried digging into mine and gave up.

I used some hardware cloth and some 2” x 4” welded wire for my aprons, whatever I had left over after building the coop and run.
Welcome! I'm north of you close to Savoy just off of Viney Grove. Lowes has a large roll of hardware cloth. Compared to TSC who only carries smaller rolls. I guess it just depends on how much you will need. How many chickens do you have?

Thank you!
We have 8.... 6 black australorp, 1 Welsummer and 1 Dominique.

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