Arkansas folks speak up.........

Hello and Welcome, hillbillybill!

Sure sounds like a beautiful place!
Waiting to see pics!
What is a GP?


Ok things are finally settling down here so I will be posting pics soon, Like this week!!! I am still waiting on someone that has a really good camera to come over and take some pics for me !!!
For now, just hang tight.
I am glad to see several newcomers to this page.I havent been on here myself in quiet awhile,been way too busy.I guess that's what happens when you hatch 200 plus chicks in the spring!
Hi ya'll! It's been a while since I have been on here. I HATE being chicken-less. But things seem to be turning around and my husband and I are looking at buying some property in Ward. My problem is I can not find any information anywhere for or against having chickens in Ward city limits. I don't recall seeing anyone on here from Ward, but any and all help would be greatly appreciated! I won't buy a house until I find out whether or not I can have livestock/poultry legally. Help please?
Thanks Ridgerunner. I did contact animal control and they said livestock are prohibited and the poultry rules are ridiculous. Looks like the homestead search continues....
I'm in Texarkana, in the city limits. I can keep poultry, as long as they are kept in clean conditions. I can also have livestock, one animal per acre. I have 3 acres fenced in and 2 mules. I can also have cattle.

I cannot have sheep, goats or pigs.

There CANNOT be any complaints from the neighbors. I take very good care of the neighbors.

Good luck on your search.
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