Arkansas folks speak up.........

Ok, newbie question. Got my chicks in this morning, all look great! Started to check for pasty butt, turned a chick around and it just looks like fluff to me! So do I need to pull their tails up or if it's pasted over will I be able to tell at a glance? Thanks!
You really are new LOL, we have all been there if its fluffy thats good you are looking for poop on the vent if it sticks to the vent pull it off dont let it build up or they will die.

they dont normally have tails just little round fluffy butts.
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LOL green as they come! This is our first ever batch of chicks. I've been reading like crazy but that just doesn't translate sometimes! Good, all butts are fluffy, I tried to lift up the little nubby "tail" on one little lady and she protested just a bit
Hi. I have two silkies. I hear that silkies are quite broody. I'd love to buy some hatching eggs for them to incubate. Is there a way to induce them to sit? I'd like advice before I just buy some eggs and hope they adopt them!
Anyone here have lavender orpingtons for sale on craigs list?? Or know the person who does??

I would like to get some, but since it is a far drive for me pics or reccomendations from someone would be nice.

Thanks, Paula

Paula, we just bought a Lavender Orpington from a woman named Diana, who breeds several kinds of birds. Great, health pullets. Her website is below:

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