Arkansas folks speak up.........

Nope, sorry. Although, once I read somewhere that you could put grits on the nests to kill them. The grits didn't work on the ants, but the chickens scratched the hill down while eating the grits. So the ants moved the nest somewhere else.

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We have fire ants also. Nothing seems to work for more that a couple of months. I do know that when you use the bait you have to be careful not to disturb the mound or they won't take it to the queen.
I tell you - I think we need a new good luck charm

Hubby came home from shift at 6:30 this morning and woke me up letting me know that the power was off. Ok (was my groggy answer) He said what about your bator? That got me on the run. It was at 85 - called electric company and there was a power outage - it was 8 am before they got it back on. I think my eggs will be ok, I didn't open bator even though I could see fuzzy butts running around in it. Hopefully with this new storm coming in our power won't go off again.
We had 7 chicks when I finally opened bator. Cochins and EE - We also have more eggs unzipping.

Here is Ashley and her new puppy - Carly

Denozo - our tom that got attacked last Sat by a dog, is still alive and doing good.
Cute chicks, of course! I'm glad to hear Denozo is doing good.

That incubator that I had to take to the church, well, to make a long story short, the power went out again, and I hauled it back to the church on Thurs. night. When I went back to check on it Friday morning, it was down to 69 degrees and the eggs were cold. I don't know why, the motor was still humming. I just stuck the incubator in my truck and went on to the Mom's day activities at school. I figured the chicks would be gone. When I got home, I plugged the bator back in and it began warming up. ??? Who knows? After awhile I candled eggs and the little buggers were swimming around just like before.

Will the low temps make them hatch late, if they're at the right temp from now on? They are on day 9 today. Storms are coming in again. This hatch may be doomed, but I'm not giving up yet. Praying for no more power outages.
The only thing that has successfully moved the fire ants out of my yard for more than a few months was a good dose of gasoline. Actually they haven't come back yet, but now we have carpenter ants
Carpenter ants have a good taste for Terro borax baits.

Other people swear by Amdro (spelling?) for fire ants and my dad uses something in a brown canister but I don't know the name of it.
The Ortho stuff in a red bag is worthless.
I don't think it would make it too late of a hatch. You should be fine. We will
for you and pray for no more power outages. It has started pouring here again.

If anyone is interested - I have decided to part with a couple of stillair LG incubators. Both work great and are like new.
PM me if interested - will also consider trades for them.

Just wanted to give you guys first dibs.
Wow! The chicks are tougher than we give them credit for! Congrats on your hatch Amanda and congrats that yours are still wiggling Julie.

They probably won't hatch too much later if at all since it was only a matter of a few hours that they were cold. I'm no expert by any means though.

We had one tiny power outage this morning. Just long enough to irritate me because I had to reset all of the clocks.

And now more rain! They're calling for 3-5 more inches this week! My chicken run was just starting to dry out!
I went out and bought a huge lot of hardwood chips , some DE and a bag of stall sweet and was getting ready to deep litter the run too.
And just when are we going to dry out enough to till the garden?!
LOL!! Yea I feel your pain too Chicky

I keep telling hubby - we need to get the garden started but this rain is making everything downright miserable.

I am thankful for the couple of days that we had of dry weather.
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