Arkansas folks speak up.........

I'm still looking for some frizzle bantam cochin pullets in blue, splash or mottled if anyone fairly close by has any for sale.

I might be interested in a straight cochin pullet if I can't find any frizzles. My male is a straight/regular Cochin. I have one black cochin pullet that is frizzled, but one that is not.

I may have a white frizzle cochin cockerel for sale soon......if I can get the blue or splash to work on. If not, I may keep him and just try to find white pullets instead. He's really a character!

I do have 2 Ameraucana/EE cockerels for sale. I got these through Ideal. One white and one bluff with white.

I also have at least one bearded white Silkie cockerel for sale, and a non-bearded red Silkie pullet.

Ninjapoodles... I just LMBO reading your blog entry about your meeting with "K"! I can't imagine how you must have felt, but you're certainly a good sport for being able to laugh at yourself. Great sense of humor!
How's EVERYONE weather?

Cold, really cold, windy, and a little rain on and off. Nasty day if you ask me, if you ask our girls who knows (I think they like it). They are out there scratching and pecking and have laid 4 eggs today, acting like it ain't no thing
Cold, really cold, windy, and a little rain on and off. Nasty day if you ask me, if you ask our girls who knows (I think they like it). They are out there scratching and pecking and have laid 4 eggs today, acting like it ain't no thing

Same here. There is only ONE hen inside the chicken-yard, and she's broody.

Just barely below freezing, with a steady drizzle. We have plenty of food, movies to watch, and we got all the animals fed and bedded already (except the chickens, who are still out), with heaters on the various waterers and troughs.
They are downtown Batesville. I once fixed the owners home computer, other than that no, I wouldn't mind finding something out for you if you have a specific question or need.
Thank you. I just wanted to know if you ever shopped there or your wife if your male. (It's a material store)
A visiting ministers wife told me about it last Sunday.
She said she drives 5 hours (she is not where she can order online)

I think I will save the drive and just order online.

Thank you though.
hmm....I'm would love to go in and 'touch'...

I know...I love fabric.

Speaking of fabric...those that are near the Greenwood Walmarts...
they are clearing out their fabric section for 1/2 price!!
Go an enjoy...I'm too far away.

*It won't last long.

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