Arkansas hatchery tours??


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 22, 2008
Bartlesville, Oklahoma

Hi, I'm in the NW Arkansas area right now & am wondering if there are any small or large
hatcheries that will let me and my 7 year old daughter tour the facilities. Cackle hatchery is
about 130 miles one way from here and that is too far.
Well, depending on the circumstances, you could talk to Cobb-Vantress and see if they will let you tour through.

Do you have birds of your own? Do you want to see different breeds within the hatchery or is one type alright?
I would think most of them wouldn't allow tours because of bio-security issues.

We've got a turkey farm not too far from me and they used to host school kid tours, but you can't even go in the yard of the barns anymore.
Yes, we do have 6 bantams and 1 standard. We've had them for a little over a year now & just love em!! One breed or several would be fine to check out. I'd just like my dtr to see a bigger operation than our little backyard flock! You know to gain some perspective. I'll google Cobb-Vantress & check them out. I think we are about to head out to go to Reliable Poultry Supply in Springdale, just to look around. Thank you
No, Cobb-Vantress isn't an option then.

It's the breeder company for Tyson. "Sometimes" they allow small groups of people to see inside the hatchery, but those people must not have any contact with any other birds, must wear booties, hoods, suits and shower in and out of the hatchery.

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