Art School


Make a doorknob.

Yes, it's boring. No, it's not a living thing and doesn't have eyes and is generally disinteresting to most, but look deeper.
It's change, it's the key to opening up to a new world. Its the difference between life and death sometimes, I mean come on! If you're stuck in a room without doorknobs, you can't tell me you wouldn't be at least a little nervous about how to get out.
But maybe you don't want to escape.

Maybe you want to delve.
Find a new world, a passage to a land of adventure. Maybe it has a thousand keyholes but was actually left unlocked? Maybe it has no keyhole, but can be opened by following instructions. Maybe it wants a song, or if you want to go all spy, maybe it needs a well-placed magnet to open.

Characterize a doorknob. Door handle. Latches, deadbolts, leavers, crystal handles, holographic dummy doorknob that is just there for looks.

Find the key. Open the door.

I like how elaborate this was; it gives a lot of inspiration. :3

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