Art School

The legs are actually pretty proportionate to the barrel length. Nice job.

I guess I'll post on here since the other art thread is dead. I do mainly animals in oil, graphite pencil, watercolour, and sometimes acrylic. I don't have much of it scanned, but I'll try to find the ones I have.
Oh-ho! We have attracted the great BantyChooks to our silly little thread, have we? Well come on aboard if ye be prepared to brave the craziness.
I send out a prompt once a week. It's not mandatory, just a fun thing to do if you can't think of anything to draw that week.
Can't wait to see your newest creations.
Oh-ho! We have attracted the great BantyChooks to our silly little thread, have we? Well come on aboard if ye be prepared to brave the craziness.
I send out a prompt once a week. It's not mandatory, just a fun thing to do if you can't think of anything to draw that week.
Can't wait to see your newest creations.
That's a clever idea. I have been slacking in the art department so I will try to follow along with it. What was it for this week?
Here are a few of my more recent pieces. The portrait of the old man is my first try at painting a person.
Aww! I hadn't seen the duck, she's adorable. ^_^
People are hard (as I have already said like 279 times) but you did a great job on that guy. Old people can be more fun to do because of all those wrinkles, but also harder sometimes, too...
That's a clever idea. I have been slacking in the art department so I will try to follow along with it. What was it for this week?
Make a doorknob.

Yes, it's boring. No, it's not a living thing and doesn't have eyes and is generally disinteresting to most, but look deeper.
It's change, it's the key to opening up to a new world. Its the difference between life and death sometimes, I mean come on! If you're stuck in a room without doorknobs, you can't tell me you wouldn't be at least a little nervous about how to get out.
But maybe you don't want to escape.

Maybe you want to delve.
Find a new world, a passage to a land of adventure. Maybe it has a thousand keyholes but was actually left unlocked? Maybe it has no keyhole, but can be opened by following instructions. Maybe it wants a song, or if you want to go all spy, maybe it needs a well-placed magnet to open.

Characterize a doorknob. Door handle. Latches, deadbolts, leavers, crystal handles, holographic dummy doorknob that is just there for looks.

Find the key. Open the door.
Make a doorknob.

Yes, it's boring. No, it's not a living thing and doesn't have eyes and is generally disinteresting to most, but look deeper.
It's change, it's the key to opening up to a new world. Its the difference between life and death sometimes, I mean come on! If you're stuck in a room without doorknobs, you can't tell me you wouldn't be at least a little nervous about how to get out.
But maybe you don't want to escape.

Maybe you want to delve.
Find a new world, a passage to a land of adventure. Maybe it has a thousand keyholes but was actually left unlocked? Maybe it has no keyhole, but can be opened by following instructions. Maybe it wants a song, or if you want to go all spy, maybe it needs a well-placed magnet to open.

Characterize a doorknob. Door handle. Latches, deadbolts, leavers, crystal handles, holographic dummy doorknob that is just there for looks.

Find the key. Open the door.
Love it. I can't say I've ever even thought about drawing a doorknob, but you just made it seem interesting.
Aww! I hadn't seen the duck, she's adorable. ^_^
People are hard (as I have already said like 279 times) but you did a great job on that guy. Old people can be more fun to do because of all those wrinkles, but also harder sometimes, too...
All my old women look like little girls with wrinkles... *sigh* don't prompt a picture of them from me, I haven't kept any of them.

I think @BlackHackle should join this thread. He would learn a lot and teach us a lot.

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