Art School

Rose, these are really good! They look like actual human beings! (something I'm not good at, lol). The faces look mostly proportionate and accurate, very well done. And great job using a reference.
If I could give a piece of advice, maybe use solid cell shading with like a pen brush on more of your art instead of airbrush, a lot of people think it looks nicer. And make sure to use a color like dark purple or red on multiply, not solid black though :)

Okay, now to show yall some more of my art lol
I've got this weird thing where I have to draw characters of a warriors au for every fandom I know or like or am in lol
Just starting to get into tf2 (yes, i know.) And all the characters are so different from each other, like stereotypes on crack, and that makes them endearing. So they all are getting The Treatment by me
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these guys I did earlier ^^ forgot to make it look like he killed someone oops
View attachment 2198882
these sketches I did earlier too ^ :)
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they’re covered in blood... why are they SMILING?

Also... very well drawn . :thumbsup
No, no. That was years. I'm at least 10% certain.

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