Articles under Recipes - What is acceptable?


RIP Ryder (2022) & Hammy (2019)
Sep 16, 2019
SW Georgia
I just barely realized there is a Recipes category for Articles and I wanted to share my Flan Recipe. It's not mine, but I've used it forever.

At first I thought I had gotten it from the internet, but I searched for it and didn't find it. Then I remembered I got it from my mom and sister.

I also searched the Articles for Flan recipes and mine is different than the ones published.

So what is acceptable when sharing recipes on here in Articles?

I would think if we got the recipe from a website we can't make an article, but on a thread I'm sure we can provide the link to the recipe. Any other restrictions?

Is this the right Forum for this question?
My Yorkshire Pudding article is from a website:
Yorkshire Pudding

Copyright and Recipes
When it comes to recipes and copyright in the U.S., the law is actually very clear (PDF). Copyright does not protect recipes, “That are mere listings of ingredients,” However, it can, “Extend to to substantial literary expression – a description, explanation, or illustration, for example – that accompanies a recipe or formula…”

What this means is that the basics of a recipe are not copyright protected. The list of ingredients and the actual steps that one takes to complete it are not protectable as they are mere facts and formulas. However, the expression of that recipe can be protected, especially if there is a literary description, images, illustrations or other elements along with the recipe.
Source: most iconic,are protected as trade secrets.
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My Yorkshire Pudding article is from a website:
Yorkshire Pudding

Copyright and Recipes
When it comes to recipes and copyright in the U.S., the law is actually very clear (PDF). Copyright does not protect recipes, “That are mere listings of ingredients,” However, it can, “Extend to to substantial literary expression – a description, explanation, or illustration, for example – that accompanies a recipe or formula…”

What this means is that the basics of a recipe are not copyright protected. The list of ingredients and the actual steps that one takes to complete it are not protectable as they are mere facts and formulas. However, the expression of that recipe can be protected, especially if there is a literary description, images, illustrations or other elements along with the recipe.
Source: does not protect recipes,accompanies a recipe or formula…”&text=Many of the most iconic,are protected as trade secrets.

Thank you so much!!

I actually ended up finding the recipe online. Turns out I couldn't find it because I have it saved on a notepad with double the ingredients, that's why 6 eggs wasn't showing up on Google. But I also made slight changes to my liking.

This informative reply makes me more comfortable when writing the Article in the near future.
Thank you so much!!

I actually ended up finding the recipe online. Turns out I couldn't find it because I have it saved on a notepad with double the ingredients, that's why 6 eggs wasn't showing up on Google. But I also made slight changes to my liking.

This informative reply makes me more comfortable when writing the Article in the near future.
Six eggs? take your fill!

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