As green as they get...

Welcome to BYC! :frow You will definitely love it here. Got a question? Ask it and you will get the best ever answer(s). You will learn things you never knew existed.

I agree with @Seifert Poultry. You need an Easter Egger, Cream Legbar, Ameraucana (not Americana, which is another name for an Easter Egger), Black Copper Marans, Buff Orpington and Rhode Island Red. Those six will give you a dream basket of eggs and the BO and RIR will give you a lap full of loving. :love

Happy chickening!
Hi Jay and welcome to our community.Good luck with your coop build :fl

On this link you'll find lots of information on almost every aspect of keeping birds - from coop building ideas, to incubating eggs -

There’s a link on the page above to the Learning Centre - it’s a great resource. If you have a specific topic in mind, just type it in the search box - there's a wealth of information on past and present threads.

Each week, various topics are discussed, which can also be a great resource -

This is a useful link of BYC guides to take a look at announcements-feedback-issues-guides.3 I’d suggest including your location using the guide in that link, if you have not already done so. You can use this link to contact members in your area - Find your State's thread.

Best wishes

Pork Pie
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! Seems like a great community. Already have great info just from your responses to my intro. I can see I’ll be spending a lot of time here. Thanks again!
Oh, I forgot to mention, that’s the only drawback to BYC. You NEVER want to leave...seriously!:celebrate I look at my time here as time well spent, kind of like college, yeah, like college! The more time I invest the more I learn, and the more I learn the better I can maintain my flock, and that is my job. And.I.Love.It! :love
wave high happy.gif
wave and wag.gif

Hello everyone my name is Jay. I live in Massachusetts with my wife and 2 kids. I’m new to everything that involves raising chickens. I had some free range eggs a few months ago and realized how much better they are than store bought and decided I wanted chickens. I’m in the process of building my own coup and hope to buy chicks in the spring. I’ll post pictures when it is complete. My kids are pretty excited about it and look forward to helping raise them.

(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?

Yes. I hope to start my flock in the Spring.

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?

I’m thinking I’ll have 6-8 chickens

(3) What breeds do you have?

None yet but the breeds I’m interested in are Buff Orpingtons, Blue laced red Wyandottes, Silkies, Rhode Island Reds, and always open for suggestions. Probably will only have a couple of the breeds listed, not all.

(4) How did you find out about

By googling questions and searching for info. More often than not I found myself here so I figured I’d join.

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?

Watching sports, going to the gun range, and most of all spending time with my family.

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.

My wife and I just celebrated our anniversary on October 10th. We’ve been happily married for 8 years now. We have a 6 year old boy and a 5 year old girl. We don’t have any pets at this time but will have a dog one day. Hope it gets along with the chickens

(7) Bonus: How did you find BYC, how long have you known about BYC, and what made you finally join our awesome community?

By googling info. I’ve only known about it for a few months. Joined for the plethora of info available here. I’ll be asking a lot questions! Thanks for reading.


RE: As green as they get...

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