ascites and feed


11 Years
May 29, 2008
South Eastern Massachusetts
Is it possible that ascites is caused by the feed? I had one cochin with it, now I have like 4 total whose bums look like that. They are all a year this month I feed eggmaker crumbles.
Ascites is excess water retention in the abdomen. It could be caused by fatty liver disease (as was diagnosed in my Silver Laced Wyandotte). The vet said that an excess of carbohydrates could cause it, especially sugary carbohydrates such as fruit. I imagine some chickens are more prone to it than others because the rest of my small flock (10 birds) eat the same food and treats and did not get ascites. The vet prescribed milk thistle extract and after removing 16oz of fluid from her, she is doing great.
My vet also said ascites can be caused by congestive heart failure which can't be cured but the symptoms may be helped with a diuretic.
Cool - I'll try it!

Kathy1 - I have no idea what might cause it...wish I did. I'm leaning more toward genetics, but I could be wrong.
I dont think it is all in genetics, I have a rir, a cucco maran, and a GLW who are fine, a blue cochin, buff orp, SLW, EE are all the same with the fat bums, feathers missing and waterbelly look all are from different hatches but all eat the same feed. I do think the maran might be getting it also

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