Ascitis? Please help

I’m nervous, because even if I get the go ahead, I think we just have 18 and 22 guage needles, and not short ones... also they aren’t used to handling at all and my husband has an issue with needles, so I’m not sure if I will be able to have another steady set of hands for it. I’ve done sub cutaneous and intramuscular injections, but I’m not very proficient, and this will be a first.

My thinking is, if I can get permission... either it works and I greatly improve her quality of life, or I make a horrible mistake and then cull her, ending her suffering. Or we just cull her and end her suffering. The pressure must be causing suffering, her vent is straining, even though she’s acting less miserable. I can tell lifting her pains her, and she fluffed up again when I took her out to see how she was today.
I'm sure you have done this before, so this is just a suggestion if you've not tried. Swaddle her in a towel to capture her wings. I would also drape something over her head, this should calm her and make it easier for your extra set of hands to control her.
Tell him he doesn't have to look, he just needs to follow instructions:)
You can use the 18 gauge, but just stick it through the skin into the peritoneal cavity. Some say that 16 gauge ones are less likely to get clogged. Many times the fluid will continue to leak out after draining, so an absorbent towel may be needed. @casportpony has done a few of those as well.
I've done it with 18's, but 14's work even better. 22 is too small.
Does anyone have a clear graphic of exactly where I’m aiming for... that was the only issue I have with the video, I’m not exactly sure where I’m supposed to be sticking her? It looks like where the inside of the leg meets the abdomen?
Here is one of @casportpony’s pics from an old thread that shows the needle in reference to the vent.

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