Ascitis? Please help

Maybe, I’m certainly considering my loppers, but I think a knife might be cleaner. No pressure or potential crushing.

Also, if I were to try to do a necropsy to see what the cause is, basics on how to go about that would be helpful. I’m worried if it is waterbelly that I’ll might puncture it and flood the abdomen. Then I will know if it was ascites or something else I am seeing.

There are several other chickens in the coop acting “off” IMO. Some are fluffing, many are standing on one leg, it’s a very bad situation, they all have scaly leg mites badly... and I still haven’t gotten permission to go ahead with the ivermectin. At least they don’t have worms!
If you decide to necropsy, don't worry about fluid in the belly, just make note of it and pour it into a container. I do this to get an idea of how bad the ascites was. Once the fluid is out of the belly you can proceed with the necropsy.

I will attach a necropsy manual later today.
I took pictures in one of my necropsies, would that help?
Maybe....PM it to me?

If you decide to necropsy, don't worry about fluid in the belly, just make note of it and pour it into a container. I do this to get an idea of how bad the ascites was. Once the fluid is out of the belly you can proceed with the necropsy.
Yes this^^^
What I did was puncture the belly over a pan and let most of fluid drain out of the body, then if you want you can pour the fluid into a jar to look at it and 'measure'.
I use 2 flat plastic pans approx 18x18x2" for slaughtering, keeps the gore contained so easier to clean up.
You can make a killing cone out of a large plastic bleach bottle, and someone else made one out of a 5 gallon bucket online.

I have used a sharp knife with the chicken calmly hung by the feet from a tree. The blood is mostly out within a minute. This is the video I first watched to learn:
Here are a couple of manuals on doing a necropsy, with pictures. Pictures are always helpful, especially if it's a first time. Since you know there is fluid it's a good idea to have some rolled towels (or paper towels handy) around your work space to keep it from running off by accident (I made a bit of a mess my first time :oops:) I also usually put newspapers down with a plastic trash bag underneath them to make clean up after a bit quicker.
I also made my own cone, I use old bleach bottles or large vinegar jugs. Cut the bottom off and enough of the neck to make it the right size. Mine hangs in my barn from some rope so I can put a bucket underneath. Cheap, easy to replace.
Here is a video that shows where the right jugular is:


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Thank you all so much! She’s actually quite perky today but still very bloated and seeping from the vent, so maybe the enrofloxacin is helping? Or maybe she isn’t as bad as she seems sometimes.

I’m still buying a cone today. Husband and I keep looking at them separately at the feed store, know we need one but we haven’t mustered up the courage to admit it or talk about it until yesterday. I never thought to improvise one.

I want to move them both up to my barn for better monitoring, I think I can get up into it now if I put the bad leg knee down first. Will keep you posted.

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