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Quote: I'll bet it does. I have never seen any. I only heard of it. I woud love to try some sometime.
Here one of the best Israeli rose! Gamla's Sira rose

Ah wine...

celery, onion, bell peppers, two cans tomato soup, one can tomatoes, two cans whole mushrooms, buncha beef burger

We laugh because we knew of people that could not even get their wine bottled...started syphoning off wine from the glass carboy and here we have wine from our first year, 1989...makes it over 27 years old...time flies when having fun, eh?

W.C. Fields:
Blackberry, peach, strawberry/cherry, plum, raspberry/blackberry, blueberry, lots of Beaujolais, Chateauneuf-du-pape, Valpolicella, even apple cider...Logan or Rowanberry picked from our own trees...yeh....lots of fun making it. We just needed to adopt people that drank it...Rick made I think it was six wine racks that held 121 bottles (11 by 11) and we still had to store bottles in boxes.

First I cook the beef hamburger, drain off extra fat, three pealed cloves of garlic, some fresh mushrooms sliced.

Anglo-Saxon Saying:
Good wine carrieth a man to heaven.

Open cans of tomato, tomato soup, mushrooms and put in crock pot on low heat.

Add things like bay leaves, spices you like and some parmesan cheese.

Moroccan Proverb:
Japanese Proverb:
Cook the veg till it looks like this.

On low for hours...this will cook and meld up flavours

Japanese Proverb:
First man drinks wine, then wine drinks wine, then wine drinks man.

Tomorrow, cook lasagne noodles, and then I may layer noodles, then sauce, cottage cheese, more noodles then sauce then grated mozzarella cheese...that be the can even make an extra tray of it and freeze it in freezer for a quick and slick great winterish type meal.

Unknown Author:
I am done, not like dinner quite yet, but done here...later, eh.

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada​
Here one of the best Israeli rose! Gamla's Sira rose


I've only just recently started getting into wines. Like within the last few weeks. Was never my thing before, mostly beer, but after a few dry weeks while waiting to make that drive when the second kid was ready to come beer no longer seemed appealing. After baby came the idea of buying a bottle of wine had been tinkering around in my head. After all I am a cook, and know hardly anything of pairing one with the other, best dive in right? I've found that recommendations are the best way to start but I've also enjoyed blindly buying at the local grocery. Had some bad bottles too but only my preference, and all in good fun. Nice to know what something I don't necessarily like tastes like to, might go better with something than what I privately prefer. Definitely being open minded. Working my way through the reds but the Misses has a soft spot for the whites, maybe We'll meet in the middle.

Couple meals to post momentarily, just wanted to mention my new found appreciation for the grape.

Here one of the best Israeli rose! Gamla's Sira rose


I've only just recently started getting into wines. Like within the last few weeks. Was never my thing before, mostly beer, but after a few dry weeks while waiting to make that drive when the second kid was ready to come beer no longer seemed appealing. After baby came the idea of buying a bottle of wine had been tinkering around in my head. After all I am a cook, and know hardly anything of pairing one with the other, best dive in right? I've found that recommendations are the best way to start but I've also enjoyed blindly buying at the local grocery. Had some bad bottles too but only my preference, and all in good fun. Nice to know what something I don't necessarily like tastes like to, might go better with something than what I privately prefer. Definitely being open minded. Working my way through the reds but the Misses has a soft spot for the whites, maybe We'll meet in the middle.

Couple meals to post momentarily, just wanted to mention my new found appreciation for the grape.


It is an entire world of wine out there! From the Beaujolais to the Chateau Lafit!

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