Ask a chef

hello everyone, does anybody here have any good goose recipes? i went out hunting yesterday and got a Canada goose (which are awesome eating by the way) and was given a snow goose as well (which are not so awesome eating).

so this weekend is thanks giving for use Canadians, so my family is getting together and where going to have turkey and said i would cook up my geese i got. now i only have the breasts for the snow goose and i have a skinned goose (like whole bird just no skin on the muscle) and want to do a good recipe (as we always cook the same way lol, just roast it with veggies and poultry seasonings which to me is boring :) )

so does anybody have any good recipes for goose (got a whole one and breasts of another) am willing to try really anything. (as long as the bird is well done none of this rare stuff)
Sorry, I never had one,
But if I was you, I would leave the skin on the brest, (or wrap it with some bacon (that I don't eat! But you can ) ) and grilled it on a hot plate then I would put on it somthing sweet -sour like a home made jam.
Or I would try to make a burger from it!
Ground it ,and add some other meat to it, lamb, beef or in your case pork, some ground onion ,herbs, spices, salt. Make the burgers and leave them to rest in the fridge for a some hours and grilled them on a charcoal grilled. It seems like a good experiment!
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Dear Chef: I want to learn to like hard boiled eggs, but cannot get passed the smell. Do you have any ideas?

I have never made them either.
1. I am not a chef I just like to cook
2. Psychology is not my expertise.
3. The best boiled eggs are made in this way:
A. Put water and some backing soda in a pot.
B. Bring it to boiling point.
C. GENTLY slid the eggs into the boiling water using a big spoon.
D. Measure EXACTLY 6.5 MINUTES, trhow the hot water and cover with cold one, live for 5-10 minutes.
C. Pile them cut them in half, sprinkle some salt, Blake pepper and some Cumin powder, and a squeeze of Lemmon.
I do HB eggs different.... Pot of cold water put in eggs.... bring to a boil on the stove. The MOMENT the water boils turn off the heat or remove from the heat and cover with a lid.

bout twelve minutes and they will be perfect.... Drain and chill. No green parts in the yolk.

Oh and use older eggs for easy peeling.

I do HB eggs different.... Pot of cold water put in eggs.... bring to a boil on the stove. The MOMENT the water boils turn off the heat or remove from the heat and cover with a lid.

bout twelve minutes and they will be perfect.... Drain and chill. No green parts in the yolk.

Oh and use older eggs for easy peeling.

The backing soda is exactly for that! It add CO2 that helps to pill the shell. In my method the yolk is not rock hard, it has some running tecsture, somthing that WE love it very much.
I do HB eggs different.... Pot of cold water put in eggs.... bring to a boil on the stove. The MOMENT the water boils turn off the heat or remove from the heat and cover with a lid.

bout twelve minutes and they will be perfect.... Drain and chill. No green parts in the yolk.

Oh and use older eggs for easy peeling.


I saw a similar recipe that I tried. Start with cold water, bring to a boil, boil 1 minute, remove from heat and in 20 minutes the water should be cool and eggs done. Water was still hot and the shell was ridiculous to peel (even after my efforts to cool it). However, the egg was cooked perfectly and really good. I cannot believe I am saying this, but I think it was better than a scrambled egg. The yolk is a thicker texture than I prefer, but still good. Tastes like an egg. Who knew??? Haha. I will try your method and then baking soda method. Thank peeps!
I saw a similar recipe that I tried. Start with cold water, bring to a boil, boil 1 minute, remove from heat and in 20 minutes the water should be cool and eggs done. Water was still hot and the shell was ridiculous to peel (even after my efforts to cool it). However, the egg was cooked perfectly and really good. I cannot believe I am saying this, but I think it was better than a scrambled egg. The yolk is a thicker texture than I prefer, but still good. Tastes like an egg. Who knew??? Haha. I will try your method and then baking soda method. Thank peeps!
Americas test kitchen--works because of the need to cook the white differently from the yolk. There is a smell to them but not bad sulfur from burnt eggs:

Bring a 3 qt sauce pan of water filled half way with water and bring to a boil
get 12 ice cubes in a bowl
Add 6 eggs to the hot water using a spoon so that they do not crack
Bring back to a boil and boil for one minute
Add the ice and bring back up to a boil
Let gently boil for 12 minutes for large eggs

Immediately cool the eggs with cold water. You can peal them at this point or store in the fridge in a sip lock bag

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