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Pená with marinara sauce
My Mom used to make the best Cream Puffs in the world. When she was still alive I had no time or interest to cook. Now am retired and newlywed to a man that just loves my cooking. Cream Puffs fall flat every blasted time. Can you walk me through the technique? The flavor is right just not the texture. My recipe came from an antique cookbook to the instructions are vague.
My grandmother used to make cream puffs. I made them once a few decades ago. Gramma must have had Charles Atlas arms, that dough is something else to stir.

Sorry but I don't have any info for you on how to make them but I do recall they were quite "puffy". Cut in half horizontally to put the cream in and they were more hollow than "structure". And of course her "recipes", had the been written down, would have read "stir until it looks right". Of course that is how I cook artichokes in the pressure cooker. You can't just open it up and stick a knife in it to see if it is done, have to do it by the smell of the steam. Try explaining what that smells like to someone who has never cooked them that way.

Hope you get some pointers here.

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